By John Sexton, HotAir: Just a few months ago progressives were warning that failure to publicly accept the results of the election was a threat to our democratic system. Yet, …
January 19, 2017
Around the Web
Congresswoman Humiliates Herself On Air, Struggling To Explain Why Trump Should Be Impeached
by OpsLensby OpsLensBy Cassy Fiano, Right Wing News: Liberals tend to be crazy in general, but then you have the rare breed that is insane on a whole new level. Maxine Waters …
By Megan McArdle, Bloomberg: Ah, Hollywood awards season. It must be time for celebrities to don gorgeous clothes, have each individual hair arranged by some stylist who charges by the femtosecond, …
Around the Web
Manning to Lose Transgender Benefits with Dishonorable Discharge
by OpsLensby OpsLensBy Tom Vanden Brook, USA Today: Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, the national-security leaker and transgender soldier, will lose her entitlement to military health care benefits under the terms of the …
By John Crudele, NEW YORK POST: Hillary Clinton has just a few hours left to secure a pardon from President Obama. After that, she takes her chances with whatever the …
By Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times: President Obama oversaw the deepest legislative malaise in modern political history, according to the Washington Times Legislative Index, which captures his struggles to find ways …
By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: In February 2011 (Fake News) Time Magazine Implied that Obama was like Reagan. This couldn’t have been further from the truth, especially when considering economic …
By David Drucker, Washington Examiner: Sen. Tom Cotton said he expects President-elect Trump step up enforcement of the Iran nuclear deal but stop short of pulling the U.S. out of …
Military and Police
Iraq’s Wild East: How 1st Cavalry Troopers Provided a New Hope for Maysan Province
by OpsLensby OpsLensBy Christopher Castellano: In June 2008, the troopers of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry deployed to Kuwait as part of the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. The squadron’s …
By Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner: The media is raising concerns about a drone bombing at the 58th Presidential Inauguration on Friday. On Thursday’s “Today” show, a report indicated that U.S. …