
2025: A Year of Productivity

With Congress officially starting a new session, and the Trump administration just weeks away from taking office, we are set for (I hope) one of the busiest years in DC that we’ve seen in a long time.

The last two Legislative sessions in DC were ranked as two of the most “unproductive” sessions in Congress, getting very few bills passed. In contrast, the Biden administration said that his administration was one of the “most productive” administrations in American history.

How can that be?

Well it’s easy: executive orders and executive actions. The good news is that what was done with the swipe of a single pen can also be undone by a single swipe of a pen.

But now begins the hard part.

Voters gave Republicans the Senate, the House (barely), and the Presidency. The last time we did that was Trump’s first term in 2016, and we ended up biting our own hand by fighting amongst ourselves. With the likes of John McCain, Ben Sasse, Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney, and more, we become our own worst enemies, killing the confidence that Republican voters had to get DC back on track.

Now normally I enjoy hearing that Congress was “unproductive” and didn’t do anything. I like hearing that bureaucrats in DC failed to pass any laws, knowing a new law passed is a new right restricted. But this time it’s different.

This time we want drastic changes in DC. It was not the middle of the road RINO, establishment, wishy/washy, go with the flow type Republican that turned out to vote for a Mitt Romney administration. In fact those voters are limited in the GOP (Romney receiving the lowest GOP Presidential voter turnout of any Republican in decades back in 2012). No this was a mandate from Republicans to make big changes and shock the system with a Trump admin, and a team with the huevos to get things done, without being scared of the establishment, the media, the Democrats, or the “system”.

Let’s kick off the new year with a “shock and awe” in DC proving that the Republican party is no longer scared of its shadow. That it can do the tough job, and that it fulfills its promise of slashing the deep state, cutting the federal budget in massive quantities, fixing the immigration system, stopping crime in the streets, deregulating the private sector, and bringing individual sovereignty back to the people.

Here’s to a 2025 where the American reset is about to take place.