“Perhaps these students should set their entitlement down for a minute and do what they’re enrolled at college to do; learn something. “ The student government at Western Kentucky University …
April 20, 2017
FeaturedMilitary and Police
DEVELOPING: American Special Operations Forces in Direct Combat with ISIS at MOAB Blast Site
(Afghanistan) Almost a week after the United States dropped the ‘Mother of All Bombs’ on a terrorist cave complex in the Archin District of Nangargar Province, fierce fighting is still …
When Kennesaw State University held an event last week on privilege and interracial relations, it asked “those who identify as white” to go to one room and “those who identify …
Campaign Launched on Crowdfunding Site to Send Director Josh Fox to Hug it Out with ISIS
A crowdfunding campaign was launched today on Generosity.com in order to raise funds and “Send Josh Fox to Hug ISIS.’
Israeli officials claim Syria has up to three tons of banned weapons, despite 2013 agreement
On This Day in Military History: April 20
President Trump demonstrated a knack for understanding the “populist” undercurrent that is currently reshaping the political sphere. He was one of the few major public figures to acknowledge the possibility …
A whole new level of crazy has been reached by Maxine… Democrat darling of the month Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) is now claiming that she never called for impeachment. Hmm…lets …
Berkeley claims they are worried that having a divisive speaker, such as Ann Coulter, puts their students at risk.
FeaturedNational Security
REPORT: North Korea Warns of ‘Super-Mighty Preemptive Strike’ That Will Reduce US to Ashes
Following comments by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who stated that the US would continue to pressure North Korea to cease activity with its nuclear program, Kim Jung-un responded …