Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (later Lenin) was an ethnic Russian from the Russian hinterlands who hated Russia with a burning passion. They say that Old Russia was defined by three things: …
April 21, 2017
Press rage over president preempting French authorities with accurate observation By Edmund Kozak, LifeZette: Several mainstream media figures were positively apoplectic on Thursday following comments made by President Donald Trump that …
The New England Patriots visited the White House on April 19 for the customary celebration given for winners of the Super Bowl. With the exception of a few players who …
The Department of Justice on Friday reprimanded eight “sanctuary cities” for failing to adhere to federal requests to detain illegal immigrants.
Trump Secures Release of Wrongfully Imprisoned American Humanitarian Worker in Egypt
American humanitarian worker Aya Hijazi and her Egyptian husband Mohamed Hassanein have been released from prison in Egypt, where they were detained on allegedly “trumped up” human trafficking charges. Their …
This is the open scandal that Congress should investigate. By George Neumayr; The American Spectator: An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of …
This Day in Military History: April 21
Pierre-Henry Brandet, a spokesman for the French Interior Ministry, said, “A man jumped out and opened fire on a police vehicle. On the face of it, the officers were deliberately …
FeaturedNational Security
University of Alaska Professor Displays Painting Depicting President Trump Being Decapitated
A professor at the University of Alaska at Anchorage has created a highly controversial painting that depicts a nude liberal actor Chris Evans, who plays Captain America in films, holding …
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WATCH: Tucker Carlson Debates Western Kentucky Student Who Wants Free Education for Black Students
Trump Does Not Deserve to Be President