But it appears people can no longer enter contentious discussions. Case and point: Florida Gulf Coast University had to hire security due to anger over a course on White Racism. …
January 26, 2018
Having experienced a thrilling law enforcement career with advancements in how police work is done with the latest technology, I wondered about the advent of self-driving automobiles and how cops …
The U.S. decision to stop aid to Pakistan is the culmination of years of frustration with the government there. We have been frustrated by the apparent duplicity of Pakistan in …
FeaturedMilitary and Police
Pentagon Unhappy with F-35 as it Enters Combat Testing Phase
by Morgan Deaneby Morgan DeaneThe Pentagon testing office has described the introduction of the F35 as “stagnant” and beset by a multitude of problems. The F35 has promised amazing capabilities, such as being a …
FeaturedMilitary and Police
26 January: This Day in Military History
by Chris Carterby Chris Carter26 January: This Day in Military History
By Jonathan Spyer, Foreign Policy The idea that Syria’s civil war is winding down has been repeated so often in recent months as to become a cliche. It has never …
Around the WebMilitary and PoliceNational Security
Rumsfeld ‘Snowflakes’ Reveal Former DoD Head’s Thoughts on 9/11, Punctuality and ‘Izlam’
By Aaron Mehta, Defense News WASHINGTON — When Donald Rumsfeld arrived back at the Pentagon in 2001, he brought with him a whole host of new ideas about reforming the …
Celebrating HeroesFeaturedMilitary and Police
Veteran Team Is an Essential Part of the Brew for Black Rifle Coffee Company
Do you remember the last time you were able to choose your team? This rarely happens in any industry or job function, regardless of seniority—and this is especially true in …
The approximately 878 cops employed by the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) will realize a potentially significant reduction in sworn strength after Super Bowl LII is officiated on February 4, 2018. …
After years of being out of the Army, I made the decision to pursue a new claim for disability with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Having heard nothing but horror …