1775: Gen. George Washington, the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, takes formal command of his troops in Cambridge, Mass. 1778: A force of 1,000 Loyalists and Iroquois warriors …
Daily Archives
July 3, 2018
FeaturedMilitary and PoliceOpinionPolitics
East Pittsburgh Shooting: A Sober Look at a True Tragedy
by Steve Pomperby Steve PomperAs a retired cop, I see my current calling as speaking about, writing about, and discussing the causes and effects of de-policing in America. Another part of my job is …
On paper our government appears amazing. It was said best by President Lincoln at the Gettysburg address: “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task …
Abortion in America: A Darker Legacy Than Our Slaveholder Past
by Adam Pby Adam PDuring a particularly tumultuous and politically polarized time in American history, the Supreme Court of the United States heard a case that would seemingly decide the extent of freedom for …
FeaturedNational SecurityPolitics
Far-Left Populist Wins Mexican Presidency, Promises Change, but Can He Deliver?
Andrés Manuel López Obrador rallied the people of Mexico to a landslide victory, promising to take on corruption and to champion the poor. Obrador will be the first leftist president …