What kind of president implies that he longs for the days when protesters were carried out on stretchers, then says he will pay anyone’s legal fees should a supporter confront …
What kind of president implies that he longs for the days when protesters were carried out on stretchers, then says he will pay anyone’s legal fees should a supporter confront …
Today’s post is in honor of Sgt. 1st Class Jose A. Rivera, who was killed in action on this day in 2003 in Mumuhdyah, Iraq. The 34-year-old native of Bayamon, …
While Trump’s tariffs aren’t yet in full effect, they may already be slowing China’s economy down considerably. This could force China to either embark on yet another round of stimulus, …
For those not familiar with the term “Blue Dog Democrat” it means a southern Dem with a conservative voting record. This is as opposed to a “Yellow Dog Dem,” who …
On the wall of my high school gym were painted the immortal words of Grantland Rice: “It’s not whether you won or lost but how you played the game.” Those …
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