The title of this piece was also the radio sign on message of American reporter Ed Murrow during the fiery days of the Blitz. A war of a different sort, …
January 16, 2019
Joe Biden is leading in the polls. Elizabeth Warren is hitting the ground in Iowa, where former Congressman John Delaney has been campaigning for months. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is building …
FeaturedThis Day in Military History
16 January: This Day in Military History
by Chris Carterby Chris CarterToday’s post is in honor of Sgt. David J. Chambers, who was killed by an improvised explosive device on this day in 2013 in Afghanistan’s Panjway district. The 25-year-old from …
If the Democratic Party and its leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer thought things were bad, they haven’t even begun to face their upcoming greatest battle. It will be President …
FeaturedMilitary and PoliceOpinion
If Floppy-Eared TSA Bomb Dogs Reduce Kids’ Fear, I’m on Board
by Steve Pomperby Steve PomperOn the job, I was only bitten by a dog once. It was a chihuahua with an attitude. Fortunately, his bite didn’t penetrate my uniform pants. Other officers I knew …
FeaturedMilitary and Police
A House Divided: A Split Palestinian Leadership Wreaks Havoc on their Own People
If anyone had a doubt as to what dysfunction is primarily at the root of the Israel-Palestine conflict, look no further. The two warring factions that govern the Palestinian people, the …