Source link Leaders of the Group of 20 major economies agreed on a final statement on October 31 that urged “meaningful and effective” action to limit global warming, but angering …
October 31, 2021
Source link U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says Washington is “absolutely in lock step” with Britain, Germany, and France on getting Iran back into a nuclear deal, but added …
Source link U.S. President Joe Biden has stressed the importance of implementing a U.S.-German agreement on the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline to ensure that Russia “cannot manipulate natural gas …
Source link The authorities in Belarus have blocked access to the website of the pro-Kremlin Russian news agency Regnum. The October 30 move was the first time Minsk has blocked …
Source link Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed that the health ministries of the Group of 20 (G20) countries promptly address the issue of mutual recognition of national COVID-19 vaccination …