
Study Finds ‘Big 3’ Trump Coverage 90 Percent Negative

By Katherine Blackhurst, LifeZette

Media Research Center (MRC) officials claimed Tuesday that 90 percent of the coverage of President Donald Trump by ABC, CBS and NBC was negative during their evening news segments from September through November.

Trump and the mainstream media aren’t BFFs. He labels major networks “fake news” and decries “anti-Trump” bias, even as recent network coverage included multiple erroneous reports, requiring retractions. The MRC’s study said bias is almost all viewers get from the three networks.

“Another month of 90% negative coverage of Trump from the liberal media. That’s 3 in a row!” MRC founder and president Brent Bozell tweeted Tuesday. “This time they topped off their bias by promoting false stories about the admin. These fake news biased liberal hacks were rightfully blasted by @PressSec yesterday.”

Bozell pointed to MRC’s two previous studies analyzing blocks of the three networks’ coverage. From January 20 to April 9, the networks scored 89 percent negative Trump coverage, and 91 percent for the months of June through August.

Throughout September, October and November, MRC analyzed the three networks’ evening newscasts and found that 1,123 out of 1,228 statements from ostensibly nonpartisan reporters and sources were biased negatively against the president. Only 105 total statements could be considered positive.

“We have an opposition, pro-#impeachment, conspiracy-obsessed, cynical, anti-forgotten man and woman political party that is operating under the nom de plume ‘mainstream media,'” Michael Johns, the National Tea Party movement co-founder and former White House speechwriter under President George H.W. Bush, tweeted Tuesday. “91 percent of #MSM coverage of @POTUS over last 90 days has been negative.”