
BREAKING: Patients Declare US Government Colluding With Medical Community To Classify Horrific Covid-19 Vaccine Neurological Injuries As ‘Anxiety’

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Diseases of the nervous system : a text-book of neurology and psychiatry, 1915

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CDMedia has been interviewing scores of vaccine-injured patients and have found striking similarieis in the types of injuries sustained, but more importantly, we have found similarities in the way the medical community is reacting to those who are crying out for help from severe reactions to the jabs.

Common reactions to the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ we have found to include paralysis, severe internal tremors, intense tingling, headaches, twitching, rapid heartbeat, radically high blood pressure, chest and neck pain, skin problems, nausea, dizziness, malaise, menstrual changes, inability to walk, and brain fog, just to name a few.

The U.S. government has been reticent to treat these injures as vaccine-related. The pharma companies are providing very little, if any help to these patients, even those that received the injuries during the initial clinical trials.

The medical community is also complicit, with many patients informing CDMedia that doctors and nurses seem to have been ‘tipped off’ on what to say, to classify the injuries as ‘anxiety’ or a ‘panic attack’.

Some of the patients we’ve interviewed have been admitted to psychiatric wards for complaining of severe symptoms.

You can find all of the interviews published so far here. The experience of Andrea Rositas outlined below is typical.

Andrea lives in Southern California and has cardiac and neurological issues from one shot of the Moderna mRNA ‘vaccine’. Immediately after the jab, she started feeling weak, had face tingling, and her throat began to close up to the point she couldn’t breath. Upon noticing her reaction, the nurse administering the shot asked her, “Oh, did you eat today?” Andrea responded,. “I Can’t breath.”

The nurse continued, “Nobody has had any reactions, if you did you’d be on the floor already. It’s just anxiety. You’re just having a panic attack.”

Andread informed us that a week to two weeks prior, officials had shut down a local vaccine center in San Diego because people were having the same reactions — facial numbness, throat constriction. “They knew people were having these reactions. The person who administered it to me would have known, and they asked me if I had eaten. It was very disheartening.”

The shutdown of the vaccine facility made the local news, declared Andrea.

You can see the entire interview with Andrea at the end of this article below.

After the shot, she was physically unable to drive, had nausea, and was weak.

After pushing the vaccines on her students, Andrea’s teacher at a local college didn’t want to acknowledge Andrea’s vaccine reaction, stated Andrea. The school had been pushing the receipt of a coveted internship as an incentive to get the vaccine.

Andrea stated she asked the school to require the nurse who administered the vaccine to write a medical report on her reaction. The school would not respond.

Days after the shot, Andrea experienced sharp pains in the chest and neck. Eleven days later she experienced severe pain, intense heart palpitations, and thought she was experiencing a heart attack.

She called 911. He blood pressure registered 200/100 which is stroke territory, and her sitting heartbeat was 160. She was admitted to the hospital, and subsequently released with a diagnosis of a panic attack and anxiety, and was told to seek psychological treatment.

After this, Andrea reported her nervous system went haywire with internal vibrations. “It feels like sitting on a vibrating cell phone, daily, so intense I couldn’t sleep for weeks. She comparred the feeling to a massage chair. “This is how my body feels inside, you don’t see it, but I couldn’t lay down. I felt like the bed was moving, with pain in my forehead, pressure, constant headache, tinglings, the most annoying feelings you’ll ever have to deal with. Head and neck vibrating; it’s not normal. Of course you will get anxiety when this happens for months.

“Nobody is helping me. Nobody knows the answers.

“I keep getting pushed to get the second shot by my allergist. He recently cut ties with me.

“Why would i do this second shot?

“I was told — you have to ask for a referral, no medical exemptions for second shot. This was after he put ‘allergy to moderna’ on the medical report.

“Doctors won’t report to VAERS.

“However, I reported it and in August my VAERS was updated to show seroius and permanent disability connected to the vaccine.

“The report listed a long list of things I have going on — high blood pressure, blood test abnormal, chest pain, dizziness, malaise, nausea, neck pain, palpitations, tremors, throat tightness, paraplegia (a type of paralysis).

“None of my neurologists will contact NIH for information that could help me, even though NIH said they need to.

“My neurologist told me she is seeing more people with the vibration coming in for treatment.

“There is no informed consent on neurological issues. The is medical negligence.

“My primary doctors did not want to link my sympotms to the vaccine. I received an apology letter from the hospital, after I begged them for help. I had no blood work until months later; I reported my doctors to the medical board in CA.

“Stop labeling us as an anxiety or panic issue because its not.”