In a 1962 episode of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone, an alien race lands on Earth, promising to solve the problems of hunger, energy shortages, and war. In return, these aliens ask only to be trusted.
A book an alien leaves behind is analyzed by decoders, who translate the title as “To Serve Man.” An alien ambassador then passes a lie detector test, consequently resolving the hunger and energy crisis. Nations lay down their arms, placing their trust in the aliens. The aliens then invite humans to visit their home planet, and the first group sends back reports of paradise-like conditions. Millions sign up to visit, but as the leader of the decoding group is entering the spaceship, an assistant rushes up and yells, “It’s a cookbook!”
In our real-life drama today, the United Nations, wealthy globalists, the World Economic Forum (WEF), Big Tech oligarchs, and unctuous politicians tell us that man-caused CO2 emissions are effecting widespread “climate change.” They ask us to trust that their prescriptions to eliminate fossil fuels, gasoline-powered transportation, agriculture, and cattle farming will “save the planet.”
Intensive research, though, shows that true science offers no support for these claims about human CO2 emissions. Yet almost every human institution on Earth has trusted the globalists’ promises, and CO2—perhaps the second most important element to human life, behind oxygen—is now mercilessly vilified. According to climate change advocates, CO2 is a toxic pollutant that must be drastically reduced, even though life flourished in the past when CO2 levels were much higher.
Overall, climate change activists’ arguments are difficult to support. Commercial greenhouses pipe in elevated levels of CO2 to increase plant growth. On a global scale, the same phenomenon is happening: The increase of global CO2 over the past decades has resulted in a greening of the Earth. How could this life-sustaining element be an instrument of death (as the globalists claim)?
Research reveals that the real motivation of groups like the U.N. and the WEF is power to achieve their true goal, expressed by the 1972 book The Limits to Growth. This goal is to decrease the world’s population to around one billion people.
Their 1991 follow-up book, The First Global Revolution, brazenly revealed that they had (at the least) overemphasized the problem of global warming as a means to get support for that global government. The U.N.’s proposed world improvement plan, Agenda 2030, is the blueprint to achieve that goal.
Still, why highlight CO2 as the main issue? After all, CO2 increases photosynthesis and crop yields, and it’s less than 1 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere (excluding water vapor). We know that increasing CO2 levels from the 1750 level of 280 ppm to 800 ppm (double the current level) would increase crop production by a minimum of about 70 to 80 percent. That’s a good thing, right? So why would globalists want to drastically reduce CO2?
And that’s when I had my “It’s a cookbook!” moment. CO2 increases food growth, which keeps people from starving. But that, in fact, is the opposite of what globalists want. Based on their declared objectives, they want to decrease the Earth’s population by over seven billion people, and—other than war and manufactured pandemics—starvation is the most reliable method. Consequently, they’ve used pseudo-science and the unquestioning media to redefine CO2 as an environmental poison. They’ve “cancelled” CO2 not to save the planet but because it threatens their de-population plans.
Their most recent scare-mongering has been about impending food shortages, but they’ve been actively working toward that for decades. Bill Gates and other billionaires have been buying up U.S. farmland; the climate czars are restricting fertilizers that help feed the world’s population; others are eliminating cattle, thus removing a major source of protein from the human diet.
As implementation of Agenda 2030 continues, we should expect to hear more and more about food shortages. But that’s the planned, deliberate “crisis” that Agenda 2030 will bring about, pushing hungry people to accept global control. “Cancelling” CO2 is part of that agenda.
While the U.N.’s Agenda 2030 is not a fictional “cookbook,” its call for Net Zero, decarbonization, and eliminating CO2 is a recipe … for global dictatorship and the mass starvation of humans. Welcome to the Twilight Zone.
Image credit: Pexels