“Now i am free to inflict upon you my torment and my wrath…”
Ivan the Terrible
“Never ask the weight of the emperor’s cauldrons…”
Ancient Chinese proverb
If you read any book this year, let it be ‘The 100 Year Marathon‘, by Michael Pillsbury, where the author describes the long-term plan of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to conquer the West.
They almost succeeded.
History will write that one man stopped it – Donald J. Trump.
Pillsbury describes the strategy of the Chinese in their bid to take down America. He lays out the patience, the subterfuge, the deceit, the tactics of buying/blackmailing the target’s elites, bending them to Beijing’s will and using local politicians to enact the agenda of the CCP.
However, there is one part of the book that describes when an enemy hiding in your midst gives away his strategy, moves too soon, and is sent to the gallows. When an enemy asks ‘the weight of the emperor’s cauldrons’, he is asking how powerful is the king. There is only one reason to ask this question — you are telegraphing your treachery. You have moved too soon.
Xi Jinping has moved too soon, and China will pay a terrible price.
The CCP has been at work for decades to co-opt the America elite — look at the results. The corporate media, a majority of politicians national and local, Silicon Valley, the leadership of our Department of Defense, all are in bed with the agenda of the Chicom murderers. Many are just naive and stupid, or greedy, but many are fully on-board with the Chinese takeover of our great republic.
China even launched a bioweapon to soften America as the Trump economy roared at the end of 2019. The CCP lackeys in our Democrat-run state capitals worked with glee to lockdown the population for their Chinese overlords.
Then on November 3rd, the CCP delivered its hoped-for coup-de-grace, a full-on manipulated election to take down the only man standing in their way — the President of the United States.
It’s not going to work. The American people are now ‘woke’.
The ‘great awakening’ to Chinese subterfuge has begun.
The Antifa, BLM, AOC communists are outed for who they really are. The wolves have been removed from the sheep’s clothing.
President Xi of China will rule over the collapse of the Chinese economic empire – it is a house of cards, building empty cities constantly to keep the people employed. Now Xi will lose his biggest market for Chinese-made garbage — the good-ole US of A.
The Chinese Communist Party is terrified of this outcome, but it is exactly what Xi will deliver.
China will suffer. They will lash out. But in the end, evil will lose to good, and the Chinese threat will go away, and America will stand tall.
Xi will lose power. He will be shown to have moved too soon, asked the weight of the emperor’s cauldrons. His plan to destroy America will crash and burn, as will his hold on power in China.
Perhaps we are asking too much for China to change, but at least their diabolical plans are now out in the open.
One question that needs answering is — a biological attack on America requires a nuclear response.
Once Trump is inaugurated, and he will be inaugurated for a second term, this is going to get interesting.
If you’re going to shoot the king, you better not miss.
Payback is a bitch Xi.