We don’t often share posts related to sports as a national security and world news company, but events such as Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand during the national anthem strikes a chord with our crew and warrants a mention.
As a staff of individuals who served this great, albeit not perfect, nation we find this not only deeply offensive and disrespectful, but absolutely absurd. First and foremost, brave men and women fought for your right to even determine whether to sit or stand during this precious and patriotic theme, respect them by showing your gratitude regardless of any social issues that you may or may not have with elements of society. Second, you are an NFL quarterback making millions upon millions of dollars each year. Rather than pout and make a mockery of our forefathers who formed this great nation, and those warriors who defend it today, put your money where your mouth is and make a difference in a more meaningful way, while saluting the flag that gives you the freedom to play football.
By OpsLens Staff