
College Speaker Whines About Prison but Fails to Mention That She Tortured and Killed a Man

By Eric Owens, Daily Caller:

Convicted felon Donna Hylton spoke on a civil rights panel at a fancypants college earlier this month but completely failed to mention that she — along with several others — kidnapped a man, forcibly sodomized him with a steel pole and then tortured him to death. When a student at the event asked Hytlon about the heinous crime, a second panelist loudly berated the student for having “embarrassed” Hylton.

The panel, titled Ella Baker Day, occurred on the evening of April 13 at Manhattanville College in the swanky suburbs of New York City. A single year of tuition, fees and room and board at Manhattanville costs $56,550.

The Ella Baker Day panel focused largely on the rights of prisoners. Hylton “went on for about 30 minutes” about the “physical aspects of the jail” and about her complaints as a prisoner, according to the student who asked Hylton about her criminal past.

“She mentioned graphic stories,” the student told The Daily Caller. “If you were not crying by the time she was done speaking, there’s something wrong with you.”

Hylton “made it seem like she was some innocent woman who was put in jail,” the student also said. “She didn’t say why she was in jail. She said it was because of the color of her skin.”

“Her basic theme was, ‘I am an innocent victim and it’s because of how awful Donald Trump is.’”

Without question, Hylton is no innocent victim.

In 1985, Hylton along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him for ransom before eventually killing him. Hylton and her comrades starved, burned and tortured Vigliarolo. They forcibly sodomized him with a 3-foot steel pole.

As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with the steel pole, one of Hylton’s accomplices replied: “He was a homo anyway.”

“They’d squeezed the victim’s testicles with a pair of pliers, beat him, burned him,” New York City detective William Spurling told Psychology Today. “I couldn’t believe this girl who was so intelligent and nice-looking could be so unemotional about what she was telling me she and her friends had done.”

Hylton reportedly delivered a ransom note to one of Vigliarolo’s friends asking for more than $400,000, even though the sexually-tortured man was already dead by that point. Hylton’s delivery of the ransom note led to her arrest.

A 1985 article in The New York Times, which misspelled Hylton’s last name as “Hilton,” put the ransom demand at $435,000.

For her participation in the murder, Hylton received a prison sentence of 15 years to life. She served 27 years.

Hylton, now 52, has become a celebrity on the radical left because of her imprisonment. Hylton’s name is listed on the website of the Women’s March on Washington alongside Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, radical feminist activist Gloria Steinem, filmmaker Michael Moore and CNN commentator Van Jones.

Despite speaking for nearly a quarter of the two-hour Ella Baker Day panel at Manhattanville College, Hylton never disclosed her crimes.

“I found it suspicious that she did not explain why she was incarcerated,” the Manhattanville student who attended the event told TheDC. “My immediate thoughts were: Well, people don’t randomly end up in jail,” the student added. “There is a reason.”

“She was pulling the audiences heart strings in order for them to side with her.”

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