Nevada’s Cortez Masto floats fewer white lawmakers, staff as a matter of federal policy
By Edmund Kozak, LifeZette:
The Senate’s first Latina, Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, is also the first female senator to suggest diversity quotas in place of democratic selection for members of Congress.
The liberal senator, who won former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s old Nevada seat, made her comments during an appearance on Politico’s “Women Rule” series of podcasts.
“We should be mandating diversity in our committees, mandating diversity in our hiring practices, mandating diversity throughout the United States Senate.”
“We should be mandating diversity in our committees, mandating diversity in our hiring practices, mandating diversity throughout the United States Senate,” Cortez Masto said. “You just have to walk in the room and look at the senators that are there — the 100 senators, right? You could see the lack of diversity,” said Cortez Masto during her interview.
“I want to see diversity at all levels, not just here in the Senate amongst the staff,” Cortez Masto said. “I think those are important areas for us to focus on that diversity because it’s also succession planning. Those individuals can go on to run for statewide office or a federal office at some point in time.”
Cortez Masto’s comments exemplify the progressive left’s fixation with diversity as an outcome worthy of government intervention. This year’s contest for the DNC leadership saw one candidate, Sally Boynton, tell her audience that “my job is to shut other white people down.”
The obsession with diversity has pervaded progressive discourse well outside the halls of Congress.
Last year, the Academy Awards were the subject of a controversy when social justice warriors said there were too many white people nominated for awards; an #Oscarssowhite hashtag went viral.
In July 2016, the Obama administration’s interior secretary, Sally Jewell, said that there are too many national monuments in America that depict white men.
“If you drive around Washington, D.C., in every circle and every square you generally see a bronze white guy,” Jewell said. “You have to work really hard [to find a non-white person] — like in front of the Indian embassy you’ll find Mahatma Gandhi,” she added.
The line between genuinely valuing diversity and pursuing a politicized, discriminatory version of diversity has indeed become so blurred that the Huffington Post South Africa editorial board was conned by a troll into publishing a fake, satirical op-ed calling for an end to white male suffrage.
“Let’s be clear, it may be unfair, but a moratorium on the franchise for white males for a period of between 20 and 30 years is a small price to pay for the pain inflicted by white males on others, particularly those with black, female-identifying bodies,” declared the op-ed, which was touted as legitimate argument before it was later proven to be a joke.
However, given the sort of rhetoric employed by those like Cortez Masto, it’s hardly surprising that the folks at HuffPo South Africa believed such outrageous commentary to be legitimate.
This article was used with permission from LifeZette.