I spent most of my professional life in politics in Pennsylvania. My work as a consultant happened at the state legislative and county level, with federal and municipal races on occasion. I worked for the GOP, sane Dems, and the green party (meaning anyone who would pay me up front in green currency). It’s the Dems we’ll talk about today.
They are of two minds in PA, hence why Trump did so well in 2016 with a multitude of them. One is the economically liberal, though socially moderate, Dems with whom I worked. Think Hubert Humphrey. They adore the president on trade and cultural issues. One of them was my client for well over a decade. He and his key staffer are still friends of mine. He’s a good man and hails from a city in the eastern part of the state. I’d tell you who he is, but don’t want to do him any damage, by media association with a sarcastic conservative scribe like me, with the other type of Dem.
And now we come to the heart of this story, the other type. Meet Brian Sims.
Sims is the kind of vicious little guttersnipe formerly found lounging about the beer halls of Bavaria in the 1920s. His politics are hard-left repulsive and almost unbelievably his personality is worse than his politics. He’s a state rep from Philadelphia who apparently doesn’t believe in freedom of speech and whose idea of a fun day is harassing teenage girls for expressing opinions he doesn’t agree with.
Last week he proved all of the above by verbally abusing and threatening a woman who was praying alone outside of a Planned Parenthood abattoir…I mean office…in Center City Philly. He proudly posted a video of it on social media. For nearly ten minutes he shouted at her, calling her “racist” and then “grotesque.” Ironically, given his accusation of bigotry, he calls her an “old white lady.” She calmly asked him to leave her alone more than once. He did not. An innocent woman being harassed by a lunatic. Where are the legions of feminists who will condemn him? Nowhere to be seen or heard.
Then on another video he confronts three teenage girls, also praying at Planned Parenthood, and offers $100 to anyone who can identify them so Sims and his bloodthirsty toadies can harass them at their homes. I could post the videos, but won’t give him the satisfaction of further exposure.
Look, no matter how you feel about abortion this kind of tactic is completely and utterly unacceptable. It might also backfire. Because yes, Sims has gotten wide press and his sanguinary circus of robotic misfits have no doubt gloried in the publicity.
However, that first type of Dem, fair-minded people many of them, will recoil. It will remind them why they voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and why they will again in 2020. Thus one more screechy Bolshie does the president’s work for him in a state vital to victory.
Thanks Brian. We appreciate the favor.