
Episode 95 – Mitchell Walker – The PouchPlan

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I spent 15 years as Vice President of Finance for a Berkshire Hathaway Company and prior to that I was a managing partner in a multiple location tax preparation and bookkeeping business for 11 years. I’ve owned or managed restaurants, insurance agencies, car dealerships, and employment recruiting firms. I’ve been the CFO of a community college, a county commissioner and a city councilman. I understand the financial language of today’s business and government entities. I like to say that numbers are my friends.

I’m also the husband and father in a blended family of 7. Not all of my life has been one success after another. I’ve faced many of the same financial struggles that middle class America fights each day. In fact, 25 years ago I was over one hundred thousand dollars in debt with no assets. Fast forward to today and we have hundreds of thousands of dollars in our retirement funds, have celebrated 5 college graduations, 4 weddings and 10 grandkids. I’m not exceptionally lucky (I did not win the lotto or get an inheritance) and did not get a big windfall from a .com or the internet. We are just regular people who by the grace of God found a plan that made sense to us when we needed it.

Over the years, my wife and I changed, refined, and modified the plan to make it a functional system. That plan became The PouchPlan. We have shared the PouchPlan with friends, family, neighbors, church members and various recovery groups. Many, like us, have been able to get control of their financial lives when they had struggled to do so previously. We call it moving from ouch to pouch!

One of the main reasons many struggle financially is nothing more than ignorance of “how to” create and implement a financial budget and plan. It is our hope that the PouchPlan will help hundreds of people to overcome that deficit and live an abundant, meaningful, and prosperous life. We firmly believe it is possible for ordinary people to have extraordinary lives financially.”

VISIT: https://www.amazon.com/PouchPlan-Budget-Simple-Hidden-Improve-ebook/dp/B073GC1BZD