
FBI: Media, Black Lives Matter Behind Spike in Anti-Cop Violence

Leaked law-enforcement document warns of rising hostility toward police across the country

 By Edmund Kozak, LifeZette:

A leaked internal FBI document reveals the agency believes the mainstream media and the Black Lives Matter movement are responsible for a recent spike in attacks on police officers.

The harrowing report, originally obtained by the Washington Examiner, also came to the conclusion that a heightened level of anti-police sentiment may be the new status quo.

“Law enforcement officials believe that defiance and hostility displayed by assailants toward law enforcement appears to be the new norm,” reads the report.

“It appears that … assailants were constantly exposed to a singular narrative by news organizations and social media of police misconduct and wrongdoing.”

The document revealed that many assailants see violence against police as a sort of justified revenge.

“The assailants inspired by social and/or political reasons believed that attacking police officers was their way to ‘get justice’ for those who had been, in their view, unjustly killed by law enforcement,” the report states.

The bombshell report also cites two brutal cop-killings in which “the assailants said they were influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement,” the Examiner reported.

But the report also makes it clear that one cannot lay blame entirely at the feet of Black Lives Matter activists for the rise in hostility and violence toward law enforcement.

Biased, politically motivated reporting by the mainstream media — which sought to bolster the progressive narrative of a systemically racist America and garner sympathy for the Obama administration’s war on police — is also responsible for the current anti-police milieu, according to the report.

“Due to the coverage of the high-profile police incidents, it appears that immediately following the incidents, assailants were constantly exposed to a singular narrative by news organizations and social media of police misconduct and wrongdoing,” states the report.

“In many cases, this singular narrative came from the subject’s friends and family, and witnesses to the incident who often knew the subject, long before law enforcement provided their findings to the public,” the report continues. “Without law enforcement and elected officials providing an alternative narrative, assailants developed a distrust of law enforcement, and felt emboldened and justified in using violence against police,” it states.

“The FBI was the one government agency in the Obama administration that was willing to speak the truth about the effect that the Black Lives Matter movement was having on policing and public safety, and it continues to speak the truth today,” said Heather Mac Donald, Manhattan Institute fellow and author of “The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.”

“Gun murders of police officers rose over 50 percent in 2016, driven overwhelmingly by Black Lives Matter-inspired cop hatred,” Mac Donald told LifeZette. “It would be naïve to think that the constant iteration of the theme that policing is lethally biased against blacks, whether repeated in a president’s speeches or in street chants like “CPD [Chicago Police Department], KKK, how many kids did you kill today?” would not affect the atmosphere in which inner-city police work,” said Mac Donald. “It would be equally naïve to think that the resulting hatred, whipped up to a fever pitch, would not put officers’ lives at risk.”

A December report by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) found that 64 officers were shot to death in 2016 compared to 41 in 2015, a 56 percent increase. The NLEOMF report found that 21 of those killings occurred in ambush-style shootings. The FBI report examined 50 of those killings and found that in 14 of them the suspect’s sole motive was the desire to kill police officers.

“Nearly every police official interviewed agreed that for the first time, law enforcement not only felt that their national political leaders publicly stood against them, but also that the politicians’ words and actions signified that disrespect to law enforcement was acceptable in the aftermath of the Brown shooting,” states the FBI report.

“Police officials across the country agreed that while the majority of Americans still support law enforcement, this change in social mores allows assailants to become more emboldened to question, resist and fight law enforcement,” it continues. “Defiance appears to be the rule.”

“The only silver lining to the FBI’s report is that it comes out during an administration that has vowed to change the false narrative about the police,” said Mac Donald.

“If the Trump administration succeeds in doing so, we can hope that officers will return to proactive policing and that the ongoing violent crime spike will end,” Mac Donald continued. “We can also hope that the lethal war on cops will abate.”