“When I hung up the call to Bernie, I started to cry, not out of guilt, but out of anger. We would go forward. We had to. – Brazile”
In her new book, former DNC interim chair Donna Brazile is claiming that Hillary Clinton stole the Democratic Primary nomination from Bernie Sanders. Brazile alleges that the Clinton Campaign and DNC came to a joint fundraising agreement in order to keep the DNC afloat. Under this agreement, the Clinton Campaign was given wide control over the DNC.
“This was not a criminal act, but as I saw it, it compromised the party’s integrity.” -Brazile
In the forthcoming book “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House”, Brazile claims that Clinton controlled the DNC long before she became the Party’s nominee. Not only was former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz a close associate of Clinton, but the DNC and Clinton campaign actually had direct say in who could be hired and how money could be spent.
The Clinton campaign’s Joint Fundraising Agreement essentially handed control of the DNC to the Hillary Victory Fund. Under the agreement, the Clinton Campaign was given control of the DNC’s strategy, financing, and all of the money raises. The Clinton Campaign also had the final say on staffing decisions. This agreement was reached between Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, and the former CEO of the DNC, Amy Dacey.
I had visited states around the country and I found a lack of enthusiasm for her everywhere. -Brazile
Brazile Herself Helped Clinton Campaign While At CNN
Ironically, Donna Brazile was fired from CNN for colluding with the Clinton campaign. Brazile had shared advanced knowledge of debate questions and topics with the Clinton’s campaign. Brazile’s actions came early on in the primary season, months before she assumed the DNC Chair position after Wasserman-Schultz was forced from office.
It’d make sense then that Brazile knew of efforts to rig the primary election in favor of Hillary Clinton. After all, she had colluded with the campaign herself months before she became the temporary DNC chair. Brazile’s decision to release a book chronicling alleged corruption at the DNC seems self-serving at the very least.
I urged Bernie to work as hard as he could to bring his supporters into the fold with Hillary, and to campaign with all the heart and hope he could muster. -Brazile
Besides being complicit in efforts to ensure Clinton secured the nomination, Brazile also insisted on spending in cities like New Orleans and Chicago. Both cities were in uncontested states so electoral votes weren’t at stake. Instead, Brazile wanted to drive up minority turnout to help ensure that Clinton won the popular vote. Many feared that Clinton would win the electoral college but fail to secure the popular vote.
In yet another twist of irony, the opposite unfolded. Clinton managed to win the popular vote by a few million, while also suffering a lopsided 304 to 227 defeat in the electoral college. Many observers believe that if Clinton had focused more on Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, she might have been able to win those states and thus the election. Instead, the campaign wasted crucial resources trying to turn out the vote in New Orleans.
When I hung up the call to Bernie, I started to cry, not out of guilt, but out of anger. We would go forward. We had to. – Brazile