
From the Lips of a Liberal: ‘Criminal Engineer’

“Let’s start with the fact that an engineering licensing board actually has a law enforcement branch.”

Once upon a time, America was a free country. Yet today, there seems to be a lot of confusion about what free means. In constitutional terms, free simply means that the government will not intrude on you, either personally or professionally. Yet clearly we live in a world today where the government seems determined to control every aspect of our lives.

I once thought that the government was actually looking out for the good of the people. However, I have since come to realize that most regulations are created for a simple reason, the protection of a special interest. None of this regulation does anything to benefit the consumer. What makes this even worse is the way that our government uses their power of regulation to hurt those that disagree with them, or make them look foolish.

Such is the case with our protagonist today, Mats Järlström. Mats is a resident of Beaverton, Oregon who immigrated to the United States from Sweden 20 years ago. However, his story really begins in 2013 after his wife was cited for running a red light by a traffic camera.

Mats, who has a bachelor’s degree in engineering, began looking into the timing of the lights and came to the conclusion that the lights changed from yellow to red too quickly and were a safety concern. He utilized math and physics to validate his findings. After compiling all of the data and figures, he then presented them to his representatives.

Clearly, having only the best interest of their constituents at heart, the politicians immediately looked into the validity of his claims in order to properly serve their community, right? Of course not! Why do that when abusing power and shutting down free speech is so much more fun?

The state board of engineers immediately contacted Mats after receiving his findings. Instead of discussing the completely unpolitical nature of mathematical facts, they issued him a stern warning, stating,

“The Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying (OSBEELS) has opened an investigation regarding whether you engaged in the unlicensed practice of engineering … the allegations are that you then continued to use the title “engineer” in your communications with Board staff and, of more concern, are the documents you provided that indicate you may have engaged in unlicensed engineering work in Oregon. As a result of your emails, the Board’s Law Enforcement Committee directed … an investigation be opened against you.”

Wow, where do I even begin with this? Let’s start with the fact that an engineering licensing board actually has a law enforcement branch. I can just see a SWAT raid commencing on a bunch of rogue professors in their local community college classroom at night as they are attempting to illegally determine the best design for a paper airplane. This does not really seem to be the best use of the taxpayer’s money to me.

Second, isn’t there such a thing as freedom of speech? Mats was not using his title as an engineer for personal profit or to misconstrue a licensing requirement. He has a degree in engineering and therefore used the title. How is it more offensive to have someone who has an engineering degree claim to be an engineer than have someone who has never served in the military claim to be a US Seal Team Six member?

The Supreme Court has held that such lies are completely allowed under the First Amendment. If one can pretend to be a war hero and stand with men who have sacrificed parts of their bodies and pieces of their soul, then clearly, they can purport to be an engineer as long as they are not gaining financially from their lie.

Finally, and most importantly is the statement that Mats, “has engaged in unlicensed engineering.” He did math. Literally that is what he is being investigated for. He did not build anything, or certify the strength of an object. He sat at his computer on his own time and computed lots and lots of figures. He then printed them out and presented them, validating his concern that there were safety issues at hand with the current length of time a light remains yellow. The board warned Mats that he was violating state statutes and told him to cease using the title of “engineer” or suffer their wrath (my words, not theirs).

Mats then took his findings public, sharing them with several outside sources including the television show 60 Minutes. In what appears to be a show of their hubris and juvenile sense of false self-worth, the State Commission then sent Mats a twelve-page document detailing his crimes.

They state, “[Järlström] may or may not be including final engineering designs or decisions in the work he is provided…He has not performed the traffic engineering work he has done as an employee or subordinate of a registered professional engineer. His traffic engineering calculations and analysis were not done under the supervision and control of, nor verified by, a registered professional engineer. He did, on many occasions, purport to be an engineer.”

In other words, they are not saying he is wrong or in any way disagreeing with the quality of his work. They are simply mad that he did not get their approval first because they want to control everything through their immensely slow and grossly over budgeted government bureaucracy regardless of the benefit it may provide to citizens.

This is a blatant attack on liberty and freedom and shows the corrupt nature of government. Before I start blaming the liberal mindset for this disregard of the constitution I want to be fair.

Governor: Democrat

Attorney General: Democrat

Senators: Both Democrat

Representatives: Four Democrat, One Republican

State Senate: Seventeen Democrat, Thirteen Republican

State House of Representatives: Thirty-Five Democrat, Twenty Five Republican

Clearly and inarguably this is another example of a state government believing that they know best. Under the values and beliefs of this state, how much innovation and discovery is being stifled and crushed under the weight of government control? We tell our children that they can do anything they want, but if you live in Oregon they should say, “You can do anything you want as long as you get permission beforehand from the state so you don’t end up committing the crime of unlawful innovation.”

I am always amazed at how clear cut examples of government abuse exist yet people still advocate for more government. The lesson here should be painfully evident. As President Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'” Mats should have been praised for his efforts and work, not vilified and fined because some petty political office had their ego hurt. It is time that all Americans, regardless of their political affiliations, start demanding that their freedoms be restored.

Government should not be in the business of regulating good ideas into oblivion. The ultimate effect of the liberal mindset is obvious and clear. It leads to a path of mediocracy and stagnancy. Growth depends on new ideas, free from ridiculous and arbitrary constraints (such as government). Mats is currently suing the state of Oregon for violating his right to freedom of speech. I most sincerely hope that he is successful in his endeavors.