I’ll say it again: we need to do the little things, like speaking out and not being afraid to express our political opinions. This method works incrementally toward thwarting the left’s surreptitious and overt attempts to indoctrinate the right and control all political narratives.
Of course, for adults, forced indoctrination often comes in the form of leftist governments using employment as a method of political extortion. Attend the “training” or risk discipline or even loss of your job. But what’s worse is when the left uses government schools to brainwash our kids. This is why it’s crucial we pay very close attention to what leftist educators are teaching our children.
According to an item in the June 2018-issue of NRA’s publication America’s 1st Freedom citing information from Blue Lives Matter, paying attention is what William Lee, a law enforcement officer from Georgia, was doing. Recently, Lee asked his son what homework he had to do that evening. The cop’s son told his dad that his 7th-grade social studies teacher gave the students an assignment. Each child had to write a paper supporting gun control.
With the assignment, Hampton (GA) Middle School teacher Corey Sanders provided students with these instructions: “You are trying to persuade lawmakers to have stricter gun laws to help prevent another school shooting from taking place.”
These instructions gave Lee an even bigger concern: “Were they planning to mail them, and where are those letters now?” Apparently, other parents also expressed concerns, but most were unaware of the assignment until after it was completed and turned in.
For his part, Lee emailed Sanders that night and told him his son would not be participating in the homework assignment. Reportedly, Sanders replied to Lee that his son would not be disciplined for not doing the homework.
In a statement issued to Fox News, the Henry County School District wrote, “The lesson topic was not a part of an approved curriculum… We would never approve of a politically biased assignment or directive given by a teacher… We do not condone the actions that transpired. It has been handled appropriately with the teacher to ensure they know this is not acceptable and won’t happen again.”
Now, the tone of the school district’s comments seems encouraging. However, how exactly did they handle the teacher “appropriately?” I’m assuming Mr. Sanders is a college-educated, state-certified professional educator. In what world would a public school teacher think it would be okay to give students such a homework assignment? A teacher who doesn’t care about conveying his political bias to his students comes to mind.
There’s another question that pops up for me: has this teacher given out similar assignments previously but no alert parent picked up on it? What do his in-class lectures sound like? Sanders’ political views about gun control are obvious. He was willing to violate the sacred trust that should exist between a teacher, his students, and their parents. Parents have to trust their kids’ teachers to respect the barrier that should exist that keeps teachers from indoctrinating their students with personally-held political beliefs.
Though I could be wrong, I can’t imagine a teacher less intellectually competent if he didn’t know what he was doing was improper. Still, I believe this teacher knew exactly what he was doing and tried to get away with it. Sanders showed complete disregard for students and parents who don’t agree with his political views on Second Amendment issues. I don’t necessarily believe Sanders should lose his job, but I’m not sure that a slap on the wrist is sufficient for a person who holds his students and their parents’ right to hold opposing political views in such low regard. But that’s just one cop’s—and one parent’s—opinion.
One thing it shows (and William Lee was the one to demonstrate it in this case) is parents need to be vigilant about their kids’ teachers and classes. This was only one teacher and one assignment that one parent caught—and did something about. I can only imagine how many similar assignments get past parents undiscovered. And how much damage is done when a teacher sows confusion in the minds of impressionable, and at this age, sometimes rebellious students?
Parents already have a hard enough time guiding their children, especially conservative and libertarian parents who know the public school system is aligned against their interests. They don’t need biased, political, partisan public school teachers making child-rearing even more difficult than it already is.