
Headstone Dedicated to 110 Aborted Babies Who Were Found in a Medical Waste Box

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Over a year since the remains of 115 babies aborted in Washington, D.C., were intercepted on the way to a medical waste facility, a headstone has been dedicated in their honor.

The dedication was announced by Terrisa Bukovinac, founder of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), whose tweet thread recounted last year’s chilling events and mourned the inaction of D.C. authorities.

“This week, a headstone was dedicated at the grave of the 110 smaller babies Lauren and I recovered from a medical waste box last year,” she began, adding that it was a burial “the DCPD and Mayor Bowser would never give them.”

Buried in a private cemetery last year by a Catholic priest, the infants’ final resting place is “in a location which I regrettably cannot reveal,” Bukovinac continued. “It is painful to me that their grave cannot be accessed by the public so that we can mourn as a community for these babies.”

The headstone was added this year with the support of pro-life donors hoping to give the infants a proper farewell.

The information provided by PAAU indicates the pre-born victims died at the hands of well-known D.C. abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo, nicknamed “the Butcher of D.C.” by his critics.

When news of the eerie discovery first surfaced in March 2022, the primary focus was on five additional children found in the same box who appeared to be of late-term gestation. According to PAAU, their apparent gestational age and injuries were consistent with the commission of federal crimes, including violations of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

Over 14 months later, Bukovinac has revealed that the remains of the oldest five remain in the hands of the D.C. medical examiner.

More than a year of inaction from D.C. authorities suggests they are unlikely to seek justice for the five and have instead opted to stonewall until the public loses interest in the case.

Indeed, the story of D.C.’s “medical waste” babies provides ongoing evidence of how pro-abortion politicians and activist-journalists collude to subvert justice.

At the time of the interception last year, PAAU provided time-stamped images of a cardboard box that read “Curtis Bay Energy”—a Baltimore facility that burns medical waste for electricity generation. Despite denials from the company, Bukovinac and her colleague Lauren Handy maintain their version of events, as reported last April:

Handy and fellow activist Terrisa Bukovinac told WUSA-TV Monday that the five fetuses at the center of headlines were among 115 remains from unborn babies the organization procured March 25 from a medical waste transport company parked outside the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C.

The women said they were preparing to do their routine sidewalk counseling when they noticed and approached a Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services truck and asked the driver if they could have one of the boxes; they informed him it might contain fetal remains.

Bukovinac said she told the driver the group would give the unborn babies ‘a proper burial and funeral’ and that he then allowed them to take a box.

When Bukovinac and Handy arranged for the remains of the oldest five babies to be picked up by the city’s homicide unit, mainstream outlets ran headlines that implied guilt on the part of the two women.

“Anti-Abortion Activists Say They Were Allowed to Take 115 Fetuses,” The New York Times hissed.

“Police say 5 fetuses found in a D.C. home where anti-abortion activist is believed to live,” taunted CNN.

The Guardian was no better: “Five sets of fetal remains found in anti-abortion activist’s home, DC police say.”

For her part, D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser remained silent.

Then, when 23 Republican lawmakers followed up with an open letter to Bowser and the city’s police chief requesting autopsies and answers about the babies’ remains, neither leader replied by the requested deadline. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, who received a copy of the letter, likewise ignored it.

It is lamentable conduct for leaders who massage their public image as defenders of the powerless and marginalized and for journalistic outlets that fancy themselves as crusaders for the truth.

Denied their right to life, the 115 aborted babies of Washington, D.C., might be forgotten and ignored by those tasked with their defense. But their silent screams grow louder—and if not in this life, they will receive justice in the next.

Image credit: Pixabay