
Help Us Create Videos That Reflect Your Values

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Dear Intellectual Takeout Reader, 

Recently, I conducted an experiment. 

I made a new Instagram account and flipped through the short videos that stream to 2.35 billion active users worldwide. I tried to click on things the average teenager might like. A little music, a funny joke, popular personalities talking about what’s going on with the celebrity world, and within 10 minutes, I was seeing content that was objectionable, walking up to (and possibly over) Instagram’s stated “community guidelines” against nudity and obscene content. 

So, I steered the algorithm away from that content (not that we could expect vulnerable young minds to do so). I pretended to be a more culturally conscious teen. I watched and “liked” videos that featured debate, authors, and thinkers… 

And there was Andrew Yang spouting a stream of thinly veiled Marxist ideology. Next? Debate videos that specifically cut out replies from opinions that dissent from the narrative popularized in the media. The version of discourse presented in videos like that are an attack on the very idea of reasoned debate and the importance of rational discourse. 

You don’t need my help imagining the rest. There is a reason you read and support Intellectual Takeout. You know we are in a struggle for the heart and future of America. 

That’s why we’re creating our new Intellectual Takeout video program, Shareable Snacks.

Shareable Snacks will give parents and future men and women a safe, family-friendly place for video content that edifies curious minds, protects developing minds, and arms ready minds before entering a world filled with the wiles of organizations and individuals who seek to corrupt and control. 

Shareables Snacks will produce great content that can travel outward to places like Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, and even TikTok, but the negative content created and disseminated in those channels won’t be able to populate in Shareable Snacks. 

But we need your support to make Shareable Snacks a reality. So please give today and consider making a sustaining or monthly pledge. Together, we can protect the future of America’s youth and reclaim the space that the biased mainstream media has worked so hard to claim in their minds. 

Thank you, 

Benjamin T. Lambright
Intellectual Takeout