By Brendan Kirby, Lifezette
As the New York City Police Department scaled back its controversial stop-and-frisk initiative over the last several years, gun seizures plummeted and the share of killings involving guns rose.
The issue took center stage nationally this week when Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton argued over the initiative’s merits during the first presidential debate Monday. Trump said Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to shut it down in the face of a legal challenge is partially to blame for an increase in murders in the city from 2014 to 2015.
Clinton objected on two grounds. The first — it is unfair to blacks and Hispanics, who were the targets of a disproportionate share of the stops — is debatable, given that blacks and Hispanics also commit a disproportionate share of crimes and tend to live in high-crime neighborhoods where police concentrate a larger share of resources.
But it is Clinton’s second claim — that the program was ineffective — that is more peculiar…
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