
In Their Arrogance Of Power, Globalists Have Awakened The Sleeping Giant, And He Is Angry, Organized And Resolved

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Imperial Japanese Navy Combined Fleet commander Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto who led the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

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Donald Trump gave America a precious gift — the globalist mask is now off.

We now know what they are doing.

They wanted to have us asleep for another decade so it would be too late to fight back. But, Trump forced their hand. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians all flocked to the GOP in the November 2020 general election. It’s obvious they don’t like communism either.

Trump won in a landslide nationwide. Trump most likely even won California.

The globalists knew this was coming. All of their censorship, sedition, manipulation, repression…none of it worked in the long run.

So, they had to steal it. And steal it they did, having planned the steal over the years since Trump’s shocking 2016 win.

“I’m sorry Barack,” Hillary cackled.

We are now awakened. We are organized. We are resolved. We are angry.

The American people will rise. We will retake our land. A few short years from now, this cancer will be surgically removed, and we will be united as a nation like never before.

We have antibodies for freedom.

We don’t need no stinking vaccine.

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