As the future seems to point in the direction of an America with open borders and defunded police departments, we’re now seeing outcry from the very grandstanders that took a stab at elevating their social political platform with hateful, racist, divisive and shocking rhetoric and now, those same radicals are asking, ‘Where are the police?’. Because they’re gone. Their command staffs have been infected with liberal policies, and when you call… they’re not coming.
In certain cases, we have actually seen large groups of cops running away from insurgents hurling bottles and rocks in their direction, shooting airsoft guns, lobbing explosive mortars and urine bombs at lines of officers standing a post attempting to minimize the damage to the inner cities they’re charged with protecting as they are damaged by the very people that called for their abolishment, and are the ones responsible for starting the fires. These domestic terrorists are the same groups (ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter Incorporated) who will soon wonder where to look for food and fuel, how to shop for groceries and where to look for diapers and medicine.
This is all a part of the systematic targeting of America, sponsored by radical progressives whose aim is a totalitarian one world order system.
The political candidates and elected representatives who were so quick to grab a microphone behind a box truck positioned as a make-shift stage and threaten children with the burning of their city, the same radicals that led large criminal crowds in catchy and trending chants like ‘shoot the police’ or ‘pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon’, are now asking you to ‘accept the results’ of an obviously corrupt system and stolen election that positioned Joe Biden as the media’s president. The media that prematurely called the election prior to the certification of the votes tallied by individual states is the same media that has failed to report that a raid was carried out in Germany by United States Army special forces, on Saturday, at which point the U.S. government obtained servers that hosted presidential election votes for storage and counting after being recorded by a voting software called Dominion.
This is all a part of the systematic targeting of America, sponsored by radical progressives whose aim is a totalitarian one world order system.
The Associated Press, the same people that called the election naming Joe Biden the 46th president, and who actively covered up an investigation that revealed criminal activity involving his son, Hunter Biden, are now the same group of journalists ‘fact checking’ the statement by a United States Congressman that reported the raid, calling it ‘likely false’. Hmm. Excuse my skepticism here, but I’ll take the risk at securing the “conspiracy theorist” title in this case, and I’m sure you’re all feeling the same way.
Along with open borders and the disappearance of the cops in your neighborhood, the United States is looking forward to the ‘dark winter’ Joe Biden promised the world in the final presidential debate where he faced off against Donald Trump, who has repeatedly stated he will not accept the results of the election, which he calls ‘rigged’. We here at PC Radio position ourselves in alignment with that sentiment, and will not apologize for refusing to accept that a candidate was able to defeat the incumbent when video after video of rallies hosted by Biden depicted amazingly charged crowds of 35 people, half of which were likely staffers for the campaign. Biden slept the whole summer. He rarely left the house, and when he did, it was most often to appear on scripted television shows hosted by a biased interviewer that allowed for a teleprompter-reading candidate to fumble through his gaffes while being permitted ‘re-dos’ until it was moderately acceptable for air.
This is all a part of the systematic targeting of America, sponsored by radical progressives whose aim is a totalitarian one world order system.
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump was doing what a president does – he was working. Working his butt off, and doing it alone, with no backing from anyone in government, even in his own party. Trump is used to being attacked, as he has been since he came down the escalator with the First Lady and announced his candidacy over 5 years ago. He’s been illegally spied on by the most corrupt presidential administration in our world’s history, he’s been labeled a racist despite signing the ‘First Step Act’ into law which gives African Americans locked up for drug crimes a second chance at life, freeing thousands of black folks from prison sentences that would have been damning for the rest of their lives. He’s been investigated using a dossier that was literally paid for and manufactured by Hillary Clinton, who by all accounts should be trading places with those that Trump released from those prison sentences. Trump was relentlessly scrutinized by a fake Russia investigation that failed to produce merit, and was ultimately impeached by Pelosi’s Congress based on a phone call. A phone call.
This is all a part of the systematic targeting of America, sponsored by radical progressives whose aim is a totalitarian one world order system.
Despite the media’s attempt to frame Biden as the ‘good guy’ that was going to bring down the racist misogynistic bigoted orange man, Trump continued to work as he led the world’s biggest economy, the lowest unemployment rates the black community has ever seen, the strongest military in our nation’s history and the most robust following a presidential campaign has ever witnessed, producing unprecedented crowds edging thirty to forty thousand inside campaign events with tens of thousands outside the gates, unable to get in.
The president’s ‘downplay’ of the coronavirus wasn’t a denial of the media-labeled ‘pandemic’, but an obvious statement of facts as he reassured Americans citing the COVID survivability rate in excess of 99%. The media and the Biden campaign continued to slam the president all summer as we were told ad nauseam that 80 million Americans have been infected, and over 200,000 are dead as a result of what Americans would eventually label the ‘planned-demic’ as constricting lockdowns, the closure of small business and mask mandates forced Americans to stay at home, give up their income and be prevented from seeing their elderly parents or attend weddings and funerals as they were threatened with fines and criminal prosecution should they violate the orders of their tyrannical leaders.
This is all a part of the systematic targeting of America, sponsored by radical progressives whose aim is a totalitarian one world order system.
Joe Biden, himself, thought he was going to lose but you and I are supposed to accept it. We are supposed to believe that President Trump, who had a tremendous lead at bedtime in every key battleground state pivotal for reelection, would see a shrinking lead minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day after the counting stopped somewhere between 2 and 4 o’clock in the morning in the hours following the closing of polling places. You and I are not supposed to be curious about Arizona being called by FOX while hundreds of thousands of citizens in that state remained in line to vote. It shouldn’t be curious to us, and we may be labeled ‘racists’, should we question 123,000 ballots appearing all at one time, and all with a checkmark by the name Joseph Biden – statistically impossible. We shouldn’t DARE question thousands of military votes being discovered in a dumpster, poll watchers being improperly denied access to observe the counting of ballots, or violence-ridden radical left-wing terrorist groups intimidating people from voting in person at their local polling places. Just accept it. Just get over it. Or, in the words of Whoopi Goldberg, just ‘grow a set’.
This is all a part of the systematic targeting of America, sponsored by radical progressives whose aim is a totalitarian one world order system.
You’re supposed to feel like you’re losing your mind. That’s the plan. Don’t you see? You’re supposed to lay awake at night tossing and turning thinking about how impossible it would be for someone to pull this off. It can’t be possible to literally steal an election and rig the whole system making it impossible for Trump to be reelected. You’re supposed to look at yourself in the mirror while you’re brushing your teeth and say to yourself, literally out loud, ‘This is crazy, I must be losing my mind’. The constant debunking of the theory and fact checking or censoring from big tech giants responsible for what you see in your Facebook and Twitter feeds, along with the mainstream media that constantly floods your living room or dinner table discussions with the illusion that you’re a total nut job should you believe this narrative, is exactly the outcome intended with the PSYOPS missions sponsored by radicals on our own soil. The radicals we’ve elected. The representatives of Americans are actually against America. It seems nuts, I know. But it’s real. You’re not crazy. This is really happening.
This is all a part of the systematic targeting of America, sponsored by radical progressives whose aim is a totalitarian one world order system.
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