
Justice In Jeopardy DAY 738 Freedom and Doobies in the Capitol Rotunda – 1776 Returns

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Mel Hawley

Mel Hawley in an independent investigative journalist and founder of Sovereign Souls Media. She hosts and produces Justice in Jeopardy, a podcast platform for the voices of J6. She has interviewed nearing 100 defendants as well as their families, attorneys, and others fighting on the front lines.

After using her First Amendment rights at the Rally at the Capitol on Jan 6 as media, she was visited twice by federal agents at home and interrogated by the FBI at their office. The DOJ so far has not pursued charges. Since J6 she has been an advocate for the defendants and their families. Her efforts and content focus on bringing awareness to the plight of and supporting our J6 political hostages and their families, whom she considers her second family.

Mel was born and raised in Texas and now resides as a Texas ex pat in Virginia, just outside the swamp. She is a GOD-loving patriot and proud mom of 5 boys and 3 girls.

@SovSoulMel on twitter
@JoanUp on Truth Social