For something is amiss or out of place
When mice with wings can wear a human face.
Thus ends Theodore Roethke’s poem The Bat. Though never a fan of these flying mammals, I’ve always gotten a kick out of Roethke’s words. This evening they inspired me to try a copycat poem apropos to our own time:
For something is amiss or out of place
When facts and stats and truth are all debased.
I’m thinking in particular, of course, of the specter that has haunted us for nearly two years, COVID-19, also known as the Chinese Virus, the Wuhan Flu, and the Bat Flu. (A minor self-realization here: Is that last moniker what set me to thinking of Roethke’s bat?)
After all these months, the question I’m asking myself is whether we have ever seen such a miasmatic mess of confusion, deceit, and ignorance among our so-called experts as we have regarding the virus. This confusion and deception can be seen in several recent headlines.
In early November, Italy’s Institute of Health issued a report separating those who had died from COVID and those who had died with the virus, victims who were suffering from numerous comorbidities or who were elderly and in poor health. The Institute’s findings reveal a 97 percent decrease in the number of those recorded as dead from COVID, columnist Stephen Green reports. “According to the CDC, 746,705 Americans have died with COVID,” Green writes. “If we apply Italy’s new rule, the actual death count is only around 22,000 or so.”
Meanwhile, the European Union’s Medicines Agency reports that over 30,000 recipients of the various vaccines have died and more than a million have experienced adverse drug reactions.
Here in the United States, analysts have revealed data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) indicating that 8,456 people have died from the COVID-19 vaccines compared to 5,182 deaths from all other vaccines for the last 30 years.
Dr. Brian Joondeph confirms these statistics in a piece for American Thinker, adding that rates of adverse reactions also outnumber all the vaccines since 1990. He also points out that states like Vermont and nations like the U.K., both of which have high vaccination rates, are experiencing a surge in COVID cases.
Meanwhile, Africa’s much lower rates of COVID deaths and infections are puzzling scientists. Possible explanations include a larger rural and younger population that spends more time outdoors. The vaccination rates in sub-Sahara Africa are far below those in developed regions like America and Europe.
With these facts in mind, it seems reasonable to ask why so many are getting infected with COVID-19 after taking the vaccines. Why do the vaccines seem to lose their potency after six months or so, effectively requiring boosters? Given that the virus affects so few young people, one also wonders why are we now planning to give children the jab in light of all these serious side effects.
To raise these questions, which should seem natural inquiries, is to risk being labeled some sort of anti-vax nutjob. Doctors and nurses who question the vaccine and the mandates may even find themselves dismissed from their hospitals and condemned by the medical establishment.
Never before in our history have we seen such a mighty push by the state against such a disease, not only here but in so many countries around the world. Here in the United States, by what right did our federal and some of our state government claim the power to mandate a vaccine for a virus that seems little more consequential than the common flu? Why in countries like Germany, Austria, Italy, and Australia are central governments once again locking down citizens in their homes and punishing the unvaccinated?
Perhaps the answer lies in a neglected point by much of our media, namely, the questioning of the role the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) played in this disaster. Increasingly, it seems the Wuhan virus was created in a laboratory. Has the CCP admitted having a hand in killing so many people around the globe and damaging the economies of so many nations? But then, we haven’t seen any forceful demand from world leaders that the CCP accept responsibility for the disease it unleashed on the world and the consequent wreckage. So we can’t expect the CCP to admit or apologize for the vast damage done by this virus.
Furthermore, if the United States contributed to the gain-of-function research that likely sparked this pandemic, then it seems we must also claim responsibility… but don’t expect that either.
Though the numbers may be vastly inflated, COVID-19 deaths are real. Of that there is no doubt. Yet neither is there any doubt that the radical measures taken by so many governments have eroded or erased liberties, damaged the economy, and disrupted the education of a generation of children while doing little to reduce the incidence of the Wuhan virus.
Jeff Minick lives in Front Royal, Virginia, and may be found online at He is the author of two novels, Amanda Bell and Dust on Their Wings, and two works of non-fiction, Learning as I Go and Movies Make the Man.