
Mayor Pete is a Conformist Robot

Yeah, I know I’m not allowed to criticize gays. The Hate Speech Guidebook says it very clearly in the first paragraph, right after the forward by George Orwell. But I’ll do it and let the Thought Police issue an indictment: Pete Buttigieg does not get persecuted pioneer points for being gay. It simply is not a hinderance in today’s society and amongst the left it is viewed as a norm, if not a favored ranking.

The viciously identitarian Democratic Party wants you to feel otherwise. They want you to perceive him as a brave scintillating avant-garde trail-blazing rebel because he made out with his husband in public. Nope. Like Al and Tipper Gore’s public liplock at the 2000 Dem convention, it’s merely creepy. Though, it’s working for him. Because of the leg-tingling feeling it gives so many Dems, Pete is currently running third, right behind Biden and Sanders in Dem primary matchups.

Beto who?

The larger issue is the rebel/trail-blazer thing. To be one, you have to challenge the status quo. And no group whose members regularly get standing ovations at the Tony Awards is challenging anything except good taste. No group who is fawned upon by pop culture is exactly sticking it to the man.

Perhaps I should rephrase that.

You can’t play poor-put-down-oppressed-by-nasty-homophobic-America victim on one hand and have the sheer arrogance to fly a flag from your home advertising the very reason you’re allegedly oppressed on the other. If straight people flew a flag from our porches emblazoned with the silhouette of a man and woman copulating, there would be legitimate revulsion. However, for gays to advertise their sexual orientation like that is stylish?

Uh, no.

Look, no one should have a problem with Pete Buttigieg because he’s gay. His life, his decisions. None of our business. They should have a problem with him because he’s left-wing. But to parade his coastal bubble fashionable lifestyle to a salivating Dem crowd is the ultimate in robotic attention-whore conformity. He’s no cultural insurgent. He’s a guy who wants good press and poll numbers and is willing to shill for it in front a willing audience.

Which makes Pete just another politician.
