
Na-Na Politics

There is a Na-Na-Land! I recently saw it on TV so it must be true. It’s been on my mind a lot lately, playing it back over and over again. There were ten people lined up on a stage and a bunch of very nice people took turns asking them questions about solving problems associated with today’s living. Every last problem had a solution and all the people on stage agreed with the answer.

But what struck me about Na-Na-Land is they don’t use money. Everything is free; what a great place to live! Incidentally, this event was followed the next night with ten more people being asked the same questions and giving pretty much the same answers. Again, there was no talk of money which reinforces my desire to find Na-Na-Land.

The second-night group included a grandfatherly figure standing in the middle who seemed to have a little trouble following the discussion, but they were nice to him. A lot of the talk concerned health care which is a horribly complicated subject. No problem, whatever it takes and it’s free. These people are really smart!

What got my attention was all the discussion about who could live in Na-Na-Land Gist of the conversation is that anyone who can walk across the border gets free stuff right away. Wowza! These are very welcoming folks and I can’t wait to have them for my neighbors. Who wants to join me on the Na-Na bus? One leaves after every mainstream media news cast, and you will meet a lot of famous celebrities on the way. How exciting!

Can you imagine if any politician talked about our country like that? He would be institutionalized for his own safety. You say some already have? Yikes!