
One Day, the Forces That Divide Us May Try to Conquer Us.

By L. Todd Wood:

It always used to really bother me when I heard news about the Clintons pandering, selling to, or accepting money from the Chinese in the 1990s. If you recall, there always seemed to be some murky Chinese ‘figure’ at a White House party, or in the Lincoln Bedroom, while simultaneously being interviewed by the FBI for some illegal activity. Thinking back, this was evidence of globalism in action, even then. The Clintons were selling out America, we just didn’t realize it yet.

Thinking deeper about that historical situation, I can’t help wonder: were Bill and Hillary already bowing to the globalist god, or were they simply just so crooked that they couldn’t resist picking up a few illegal millions on the cheap? That’s something we will probably never know. We do know, however, that our shadowy adversaries have been trying to bring us down for a long time.

And in many ways, they have been successful.

Communism lost the Cold War. The Chinese watched in horror as their way of life and narrative of the world almost collapsed. Russia was plunged into the dark ages after the Soviet Union fell. The Russian people went through a horrific period in the 1990s as oligarchs snapped up industries and thieves and bandits ran wild in the power vacuum that was left when the communist ideology was discarded.

The fall of communism in many parts of the world was not just about ideology; it was about the loss of power and prestige. For people like Vladimir Putin, this loss was traumatic and never forgotten. Somewhere, somehow, many of these losers in the geopolitical greats game had a revelation. If we can’t beat them on the battlefield of ideas, then maybe we can beat them another way, from the inside out. Maybe we can divide and conquer.

The way I see it, we have two forces fighting against the West and the America we have known for almost 250 years, in addition to the known adversaries to our way of life listed above. The first is a virulent offshoot of Bolshevism that has taken root and spread throughout Europe and the United States. The Bolsheviks were a force of radical change, but change for the worse: the literal destruction of our current society. They had no problem using a totalitarian state to force others to bend to their will and keep it that way. After the preceding society was destroyed, however, they had no plans for an orderly or prosperous future. We see the same type of agenda arrayed against freedom-loving Americans today; anarchy, the Black Bloc, violent protests, uncontrolled immigration, runaway spending and debt. These are all destructive forces with no coherent agenda to provide a functioning society to follow in the wake of its destruction.

The other force arrayed against the American way of life comes from our globalist friends, led by none other than George Soros and his ilk. They are likewise hell-bent on destroying our system of nationalities and borders and replacing it with no-one-knows-what. Billions are spent by Soros and other oligarchs on behalf of this effort. America isn’t the only target, but Europe and other Western countries as well.

They gather in Davos every year to decide for the ‘fly-over people’ what is best for them, and how they are going to find the cheapest labor, no matter the effect on their own populations. They decide how they will overwhelm the nationalist forces that want to protect their borders and their jobs. They have taken over the education system in the West, spewing vile, Marxist dogma to our children. I know, I’ve seen it via my own children’s education, from high school through college. They destroy the reputation of our institutions that have produced the greatest freedoms known to man—the court system, the police, and the separation of powers, to name a few. It will be a society for the elites, for the jet-setting crowd, while the common man is ‘managed’ for the good of all.

Perhaps that is what they really are against at the end of the day—freedom. They believe they know better. They are truly attempting to move our society to the Ministry of Truth, the Ministry of Love, and the Ministry of Peace. We already have this in the United Nations, in which the Human Rights Commission is made up of the worst, most medieval states imaginable, nations that routinely commit horrific atrocities against women, gays, and others deemed to be out of favor.

Ask yourself this: are we divided, or are we not? The obvious answer is yes, and it’s getting worse. Then, ask yourself who benefits from this division. It is those who want the destruction and follow-on control that I have described above. It is no longer about communism versus capitalism. The struggle for the future of mankind is now a fight-to-the-death between nationalism and globalism.

Nation-state actors like Russia, China, and Iran have simply jumped on the destroy-the-West bandwagon. I believe Putin realized early on that the West will destroy itself. I think he saw this when Barack Hussein Obama was voted into office as the President of the United States.

Putin realized Obama was weak and did not believe in the country he was elected to lead. Obama made that very obvious to the world. He made it his quest to apologize and remove the American power that had been built up over decades, and Putin was only too happy to oblige him.

Putin then moved to return to Russia its hard-fought control over Crimea, the critical Black Sea port. He destabilized Eastern Europe and continues to undermine NATO and former Soviet satellite governments to this day. And yes, he attempted to interfere in the recent United States presidential election. (I think the result of that contest, however, was a fair-and-square win by Donald Trump through hard work, a winning message, and tenacity.)

China decided to take territory. Iran decided to pursue nuclear weapons. Russia decided to return to the Middle East in a big way to fill the power vacuum left by the Obama-ordered retreat of American forces. North Korea decided to build ICBMs to threaten the left coast.

These developments are troubling at the least, if not downright frightening. We know how to deal with these actors on the global stage, however. They can be deterred. We’ve done it before. They are simply taking advantage of what is happening in the West of late. They jumped on the train, only too happy to help divide and conquer Europe and America.

The scariest enemies of America and the freedom it upholds are coming from within. There are very strong actors supporting agendas and pulling levers of power that will lead to the downfall of our way of life. They are the ones succeeding in dividing and conquering our society. They control the media, education, and a type of mind-control over about half the American/Western population. The Ministry of Truth is working its magic.

We must confront these truisms if we are to survive as a society. The globalists and the Marxists must be defeated. That is the only option. They cannot be reasoned with.

After that goal is achieved, then we have to find a way to unite as Americans. We will otherwise be torn apart, as we almost were in the 19th century.

After the Soviet Union fell, I remember reading reports coming out of Russia as to how the same thing would happen to America over the next few decades. I read one analyst who talked about how America would be split into different tribes and territories. I remember thinking how nonsensical that statement was. Yet today it doesn’t seem so far-fetched.

President Trump truly has a massive job ahead of him; a job maybe only he can perform. We truly live in remarkable times.

L. Todd Wood is an OpsLens contributor, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is “Currency.” Todd is a national security columnist for The Washington Times and has contributed to Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, the New York Post, the National Review, Zero Hedge, The Jerusalem Post, and others. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.