
New York Parents Outraged With Dept. of Education for not Teaching Kindergarteners About ‘Gender Expansive’

“Super claims that the school failed to create a positive environment and to educate students and teachers on what gender expansive entails.”

While the battle over political correctness wages on in the United States, we are reminded almost daily of the sharp divide that exists in our nation.  Social issues have dominated media headlines and social media posts.  Extra attention has been given to the recent announcement by President Donald Trump regarding his intentions to ban transgender individuals from serving in the US Armed Forces.

While the backlash from that decision continues, many Americans have taken it upon themselves to engage in dialogue to understand the impact decisions like President Trump’s have on society. Of course, there will always be the weirdos who jump on the opportunity for their 15 minutes of fame.

Coming out of Brooklyn, NY to represent that crew come parents Danielle Super and Michael Davis.  Their son Leo is a 5-year-old boy who enjoys wearing dresses and playing with toys traditionally designated for girls.  In fact, Leo has always been more into things associated with girls such as glitter and the color pink.  According to his parents, Leo is “gender expansive.”

Apparently this is the latest in hip social justice warrior terminology that describes individuals who express their gender identity in ways that don’t typically fit into the binary male/female system.  But I digress.  Apparently, Leo’s parents are upset at a public school in Brooklyn because the school supposedly created a hostile environment for their son.  It’s important to note that Leo isn’t transgender, he just enjoys wearing dresses and whatnot.

For some reason, Super expected that her curriculum would be acceptable for 5-year-old children.

Super claims that the school failed to create a positive environment and to educate students and teachers on what gender expansive entails.  As a direct result of this horrible injustice, Super says that Leo was subjected to questions from other students who didn’t know whether Leo was a girl or a boy.

Now, we are talking about Kindergarten children here—5-year-old children who couldn’t possibly grasp the concept of transgender, let alone gender expansive even if they were instructed extensively.  Children are going to have questions based upon the understanding of the world as they know it.

Social services also became involved with the family when Leo made remarks about his private area, which prompted the school to notify authorities.  The case came back unfounded, but Super says they were targeted because Leo likes to wear dresses.  Now they are suing the school for what they say were violations of Leo’s rights.

According to Super, she provided the school with books to read to children relating to Leo’s situation.  For some reason, Super expected that her curriculum would be acceptable for 5-year-old children.  Another mistake many parents make is expecting educators to teach material to children that should be taught at home.

Kindergarten children are much too young to grasp such concepts that many households have their own take on.  It’s one thing to integrate different lifestyle choices into education, but quite another to confuse children with concepts like “gender expansive.”

Leave them alone to learn their alphabet and numbers.