
North Fulton County, GA Jurisdictions Unhappy With ‘Happy Faces’ Contract, Seek To Run Own Elections

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North Fulton County, GA jurisdictions are not happy with Fulton County Commissioners voting to renew the contract with temporary services firm Happy Faces for the next election cycle and are looking to get approval to run their own elections. Happy Faces was reportedly involved in criminal activity during the 2020 cycle.

As a concerned citizen who remains convinced that the 2020 election was wrought with fraud and corruption, I find it unconscionable that we would use the very agency named as party to countless election irregularities witnessed in Ga.  Additionally, trained and experienced traditional poll workers and new “eager to serve” volunteers were denied opportunities to serve in these rolls filled by Happy Faces….an organization not even based in Ga. Adding insult to injury, Barron claimed it would delay and possibly even risk not getting ample workers if Happy Faces were not renewed, although he had months to take action in replacing them. Let’s also not forget Stacey Abrams’ tie to Happy Faces.What a horrible and irresponsible decision, 26 year GA resident voter who is a mother and grandmother and cares very much about “We the People” in Election Integrity, who wished to remain anonymous.

The effort to gain control of local elections can be seen below:

North Fulton can use our support. A little over a week ago, Fulton County Elections Board of Commissioners voted 4-3 to hire Happy Faces again to run our upcoming elections. This is a 1-year contract. The North Fulton Mayors are meeting to discuss ELECTIONS and the meeting is open to the public – no public comment. It is time to support our City Leadership in taking back elections in our respective North Fulton Cities. Come look, listen, and learn:

WHAT: Attend North Fulton Mayor’s Meeting on Elections (Cities of Milton, Roswell, Alpharetta, Johns Creek, and Sandy Springs) WHEN: Tomorrow, Thursday July 29 at 11:30am to 1pm Arrive 15 minutes early to find a seat. WHERE: Johns Creek City Hall – 11360 Lakefield Drive Johns Creek GA 30097

Lee Hills (HD 48 Chair-Roswell), Lisa Cauley (HD 47 Chair-Milton&Roswell), and Karen Dubin (HD 22-Milton) will be in attendance.

If you are interested in working on a small committee to keep us informed on our cities’ progress on this topic, please let Lee Hills know: [email protected]

Status on contract:

The City of Milton meets again Monday Aug 2 at 6pm (City Council Meeting) to discuss taking over their elections as they HAVE NOT signed the contract with Fulton County yet. City Council Chambers 2006 Heritage Walk Milton 30004   

The City of Roswell HAS already signed the contract with Fulton County, but is currently looking at how to take back the elections locally. Next City Council meeting Monday Aug 9 at 7pm – Roswell City Hall 38 Hill Street Roswell, GA 30075     

Status UNKNOWN on contract:

The City of Sandy Springs meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6pm. Next meeting Aug 3 at 6pm – Sandy Springs Studio Theatre located at 1 Galambos Way  Sandy Springs, GA 30328   

The City of Alpharetta – Meets the first and third Monday of each month at 6:30pm. Next meeting Aug 2 at 6:30pm – Alpharetta City Hall 2 Park Plaza Alph 30009   

The City of Johns Creek – Meets twice a month at 7pm.  Next meeting Monday Aug 16th at 7pm.   

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