
North Korea Flexes Nuclear Muscle, Again

The equivalent of a magnitude 6.3 earthquake was ultimately determined to be the latest nuclear muscle flexed by North Korea leader Kim Jong Un. The latest is the sixth in a series of similar nuclear flaunting by the North Korea dictator.

South Korea’s YongHap News Agency reported that the “sixth nuclear test was estimated to have a yield of up to 100 kilotons, about four to five times stronger than the nuclear bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945, the chief of the parliament’s defense committee said Sunday.”

“It appears highly-likely that war with North Korea is in our near future.”

“In response to North Korea’s hydrogen bomb demonstration, President Trump chastised South Korea, an American ally, for their “appeasement” of tensions and threatening behavior from their northern adversary. Pres. Trump took to Twitter and, in typical fashion, made his feelings known in a succession of tweets:

And President Trump made it clear he wasn’t happy with our South Korean ally, saying:

In the wake of waters generated by Hurricane Harvey which bathed Texas and Louisiana, it is timely that President Trump publicized a proclamation on September 3, 2017, making it National Prayer Day on the heels of North Korea’s continued geopolitical hostilities:

The battle drums are beating louder than ever, and diplomacy seems but the last few granules pouring in the hour-glass, leaving hollowness in its wake and a blatant hint that diplomacy is futile.

As Mr. Romano’s tweet clearly implies, United States political arms are being assembled. As of this writing, President Trump publicized what he is doing on this National Day of Prayer and over the Labor Day weekend. Evidently, he has no intention of golfing anytime soon:

As usual, North Korea takes its typical in-your-face stance and readily admits it detonated an “advanced hydrogen bomb for a long-range missile” operational test.

Interviewed on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday morning, Senator Jeff Flake (R — AZ) declared, “Obviously the test yesterday shows they are further along than everyone figured.” Who can argue against that statement? As for President Trump’s sharply worded retort directed at South Korean leaders, more of the same does not appear to be the elixir to remedy the festering malignancy we know as Kim Jong Un.