
Obama: ‘Reagan Would Roll Over In His Grave’ Over GOP Support For Russia

By Lauren Fox, TPM.com:

President Barack Obama said Friday in his final press conference of the year that Ronald Reagan would “roll over in his grave” if he knew how many Republican voters supported Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“How did that happen? It happened in part because for too long, everything that happens in this town and everything that’s said is seen through the lens of does this help us or hurt us relative to Democrats or relative to President Obama. And, unless that changes, we are going to continue to be vulnerable to foreign influence because we lost track on what it is that we are about and what we stand for.,” Obama said.

Since news broke that Russia directly influenced and hacked the DNC in order to sway the election for Donald Trump, some Republicans have shrugged. Obama said Friday that was because partisanship in the U.S. has begun outweighing unity against foreign powers trying to influence our elections.