
React19 Advocacy Group Helps V*x-Injured Who Government Failed

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React19, an advocacy group founded in November 2022 by several vax-injured people, is putting the government to shame in its efforts to help folks hurt by the COVID-19 vaccines. So far, the group has awarded grants for medical expenses to over 80 vax-injured people, by contrast to the federal government, which has compensated just four people for their injuries.

The government’s Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), administered by the federal Health Resources & Services Administration and responsible for compensating COVID-19 vax-injured people, has received applications from more than 11,800 people seeking relief, and just four have gotten help, according to React19’s review of government statistics publicly available, including the CICP.

But the entirely voluntary group of citizens working with React19 has become a resource for the afflicted by advocating for and funding research into vax injuries, while also providing many vax-injured people with relief. The group’s CARE program (which grants up to $10,000 per recipient for medical expenses) has awarded hundreds of thousands in grants, with $6,800 being the average amount awarded.

In contrast, our federal government, which insisted these vaccines were both safe and urgently necessary for all (despite evidence they weren’t necessary for many, especially children), has been miserly. The four applicants approved by CICP for relief for vax injuries have received a total of $8,592, while a plucky two-year-old nonprofit with an entirely volunteer staff has contributed $562,000 to people desperately in need of help to pay bills that they racked up thanks to their faith in the authorities, according to React19 founding member Dr. Joel Wallskog.

Many Americans are now aware of the variety of ailments stemming from the hasty, widespread implementation of the COVID-19 vaccines because they know someone who developed myocarditis or another ailment from the jab. Vaccine-injured people have, on average, 20 symptoms related to their injury, according to Dr. Wallskog.

But for the vax-injured—whose conditions include heart ailments, spinal injuries, reproductive system issues, tinnitus, neurological afflictions like Guillain-Barré Syndrome and more—getting help to pay medical bills is a series of Catch-22 scenarios, in which the injured person is stuck in an untenable position, with nowhere to seek help (at least from the government). In fact, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP), which went into effect in February, 2020, provides companies like Moderna and Pfizer with immunity—that is, according to the Congressional Research Service, they cannot be sued for compensation by those who have been harmed by their vaccines, except in cases of death or serious injury that can be proven to have been the direct result of the vaccine in question.

Vax-injured people also cannot seek help through the government’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The CICP is meant to address this gap in resources for the vax-injured, yet it is nearly impossible for a person who’s been injured to get compensation through the program.

“The [CICP’s] denial rate is 97 percent,” said Wallskog. His own health was so compromised by a painful spinal condition that he could no longer work after he got the vaccine. “I was denied because my condition of transverse myelitis has not been recognized as associated with the COVID vaccine.”

It’s also quite difficult to get compensation from the CICP because of its stringent restrictions. Among other requirements, a vax-injured person must receive a diagnosis from a physician declaring that the person’s illness was the result of being injured by a COVID-19 vaccine. The vax-injured also must file with the CICP within a year of being injured to be considered for compensation. But the plain fact is that many (if not most) doctors currently will not diagnosis a patient as having been injured by the vax, for fear of professional repercussions.

As a result, many vax-injured people haven’t filed with the CICP, Wallskog said, adding that many of them aren’t even aware of the program.

“The money for the people we’ve helped through our CARE fund is for people in desperate straits who are sleeping in their cars because they lost their homes, and who’ve lost their jobs, and whose families look at them like they are crazy because they don’t understand these injuries and the many ways in which they compromise some people’s health,” Wallskog said.

But thankfully, the dedicated volunteers at React-19 have been modeling how our government should react to the plague of injuries caused by an untested medicine that it mandated. Not only is the group helping the vax-injured by raising awareness of the widespread problem and raising money to aid them and spending nearly every penny it raises on them, but it’s also funding research into the vaccine-injury phenomenon in order to help doctors to create treatments for these ailments. React19 is working to start a clinic in Texas that will work to understand vax injuries and find cures for them.

This grassroots movement began after Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., invited Wallskog and others (including scientists) concerned with this issue to a roundtable discussion in November 2021. At that point, Wallskog and a core group of vax-injured advocates found their tribe—and founded React19.

“We left there and said we wanted to make it a real advocacy organization. Now we represent 30,000 vaccine-injured people,” Wallskog said.

Since that time there’s been a lot of discussion with many politicians, but not much to show for it.

“I’ve met with 100 politicians or representatives of their offices, and all agree the CICP is broken. There’s been a lot of talk, but no action,” he said. “Pharma money has captured government agencies, and our government.”

Still, the problem is urgent, even if politicians fail to notice it, or fail to act to help alleviate the ailments of vaccine-injured people. This is a problem of the government’s own making, and government agencies and representatives must quit passing the buck and take responsibility.

“In the case of COVID, the regulatory norm was turned completely upside down. We were assured without adequate testing of the vaccines, that they were safe and effective. And the vaccine-injured proved that it wasn’t safe,” Wallskog said.

React19’s five-year goal is to have the government pick up the slack and address this problem, admit wrongdoing, and compensate victims while funding research into treatments for them.

Perhaps the next U.S. president might consider Dr. Wallskog and his advocate peers for leadership roles in the CICP, VICP, FDA and other “watchdog” federal agencies whose leaders appear completely unwilling at this point to admit culpability regarding vaccine injuries.

Whoever that future president might be, the candidate would be wise to provide this low-hanging fruit of public service: admission of wrongdoing regarding the vaccines, mandated financial culpability for pharmaceutical companies, economic redress for the vax-injured, and a reorganization of all government agencies linked to the disaster of COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

But until that happens there’s much to do, and React19 is hard at work.

“We will continue to fight for vaccine-injured people,” said Wallskog. “These people did what they thought was the right thing. And they were abandoned.”

Image credit: Pexels