
‘Socially Conscious’ Investing Means Investing In Companies That Don’t Want To Control Your Life Or Re-Educate Your Children

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A lot has been made of ‘socially conscious’ investing in the recent decade on Wall Street. The agenda usually includes all types of Left-wing causes — hate for Israel, ‘green energy’ that kills birds and people in Texas during the winter, violent racism against whites, climate change, and all types of sexual degeneracy.

We believe the term ‘socially conscious’ should be redefined to mean investing in companies that do not want to control you life, that do not want to censor your political or religious thought, that do not want to put your children in re-education camps.

Socially-conscious should mean policies that improve human society, that make people prosperous, that raise all people up no matter their genetic makeup, that allow people to achieve their full potential, that don’t harm children, that don’t support the obvious evil of the Chinese Communist Party, or Marxist movements worldwide.

There is great opportunity for populist capital to get to work. Those firms that are building a new internet ecosphere to allow real conservative thought to flourish, not ‘conservative’ globalist thought that feeds their minders in Beijing, need your help.

We are experiencing a ‘fourth turning’, a generational shift that will have great consequences. This creates enormous challenges, but also provides for exceptional opportunity for those entrepreneurs that have the guts to build something new that helps humanity, not try to destroy it for the benefit of a few oligarchs.

These companies are out there; populist investors simply have to do their homework to find and support them, for your children and grandchildren’s sake. This is real ‘socially conscious’ investing.

Socially conscious also means not using or supporting companies that do the opposite, that support evil, that support socialism. So, get off the Marxist Silicon Valley networks…now…permanently.

To aid in your quest – CDMedia has started this list which we will attempt to update and expand frequently.

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