
The Gang Who Couldn’t Coup Straight

You know, the president has had a run of good luck lately. None of it of his own doing. His recent record is chock full of compromises, postponements, and defeats. But, as Napoleon said, a lucky general is to be preferred over a good general.

However, like the Bohemian Corporal at Austerlitz, where the Corsican genius ran over the Russians and the Holy Roman Empire so badly he destroyed the Third Coalition, the president is blessed by the sheer ineptitude of his enemies. That is indeed lucky, for America.

A case in point is former top G-Man shyster James Baker (not that one) who told Congress that McCabe, Rosenstein, and their band of hapless plotters made a serious effort to topple the president in a May of 2017 coup by trying to get Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment against Trump.

The 25th, for those of you not hep, is a process to get the Chief Executive bumped from office if enough Cabinet members say the president can’t do his job due to factors like mental incapacity (think FDR’s last days), physical incapacity (ditto both Woodrow Wilson), or being mad as a March hare (any prospective Democratic candidate). Baker mentioned that Rosenstein told him two Cabinet members could be on board for it. Speculation is AG Sessions and then-DHS Sec Kelly were the two mutineers. If true in the first place, those are logical choices for the almost treachery. But there were not enough takers to invoke the 25th.

The gambit also violated a main law of power: When you strike at a King, you’d better kill him.

Not content with the media/congressional coup that ousted Nixon (okay, okay, that was a tad self-inflicted), the Feds were going for the double play. Meaning the FBI and other establishment organs are now actively seeking to subvert the will of the American people and unethically use the Constitution to replace the legally elected president because they think he is louche.

Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., call your office.