
The Thwarted US Airport Bombing That No One Heard About

With so many other story headlines dominating the press, whether the horrific Las Vegas incident, President Trump’s comments on aid to Puerto Rico or any other Washington, D.C drama, the mainstream media and the administration failed to highlight an attempted bombing at a regional US airport last week.

The attempted attack occurred this past Friday, October 6th during the lunch hour at the Asheville, NC regional airport. Security cameras witnessed a male dressed in all black with a backpack enter the terminal and then depart without his bag.  After deploying a bomb sniffing dog, it was confirmed that explosive materials were in fact in the bag.

Investigators stated that AN/FO (Ammonium Nitrate/Fuel Oil) explosives were in the bag. The same materials have been used in a number of terrorist-related incidents around the world, and are often used in conjunction with nails and ball bearings, which were also found in the bag.  After ignition the projectiles create mass devastation for all those in the vicinity.

While some in media circles are claiming the event received little fan fare because a caucasian male planted the device, the fact remains – America continues to become less safe and citizens must remain vigilant at all times.

OpsLens will provide additional information as it becomes available.