
Tina Fey Issues A Warning To The White Women Who Voted For Donald Trump

By Fox News:

Tina Fey blasted college-educated white women who voted for Donald Trump.

“A lot of this election was turned by white, college-educated women who now would like to forget about this election and go back to watching HGTV,” the actress opined during a celebrity Facebook Live fundraiser for the American Civil Liberties Union. “You can’t look away because it doesn’t affect you this minute, but it’s going to affect you eventually.”

The “30 Rock” star made the comments during a conversation that was mostly about women’s reproductive rights with Donna Lieberman, executive director of the ACLU in New York, and Louise Melling, the organization’s deputy legal director.

At the end of the brief interview, Fey had one final comment:
“I personally would like to make my own pledge to college-educated white women to not look away, not pretend that things that are happening now won’t eventually affect me if we don’t put a stop to it,” she pleaded…
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