
Transgender Individual Says Men Have Menstruation Cycles Too

Political correctness has officially reached the realm of utter satire.

In quite possibly the most shocking—and disgusting—display of political correctness to date, one transgender man’s campaign has gone viral.  People magazine ran a feature on transgender activist Cass Clemmer, who was born a woman.

The article featured a photo of a clearly menstruating Clemmer in blood-soaked pants, holding a sign reading, “Periods are not just for women,” accompanied by the hashtag #bleedingwhiletrans.

This is not a drill.  Clemmer talked about her period photo in depth, “I really hope that people see my post and start to consider that not all people who menstruate are women and not all women menstruate, so that we can start to collectively move away from the harmful tendency to equate periods with womanhood and femininity.  The presumption that everyone who gets their period is a woman or a girl serves as an erasure to the identities and experiences of an already marginalized community.”

So basically, by associating menstrual cycles with women, society is causing damage to transgender individuals.

Political correctness has officially reached the realm of utter satire.  I didn’t think this was real until I pulled up social media accounts for Cass Clemmer, including her Twitter account aptly named “Toni the Tampon.”  From there, I ventured to her website of the same name where I found items for sale such as a period coloring book.  Customers will find a lively book full of pages featuring items such as tampons with googly eyes attached to them.  There are also pins available for purchase featuring tampons with the LGBTQ rainbow bleeding on them.

Apparently periods are now a barrier that the community needs to tear down.  I mean, what’s next?  A coloring book featuring toilet items illustrating that even the LGBTQ community uses the restroom?  Marches on Washington DC with maxi pads affixed on their foreheads?

Oddly enough, Clemmer says that her own gender identity falls between a man and woman, depending on the day.  The pronouns she prefers are “they” and “them.”  I can’t in good grammatical conscience refer to one person as they or them, sorry.

In any case, of all things to start a trending uprising over, I find it not only highly gross but hilarious that periods have reached the forefront of the gender debate.  Of all things currently afflicting the LGBTQ community in terms of inequality, this weirdo wants to “free bleed” in public to protest periods.  We got it, you identify as a man or a non-woman and are on your period.

Society has reached a sad level of depravity when this is what we’re embracing now.  What happened to having a little dignity and modesty?  They both go a long way.  It’s an unspoken assumption that women—oops, my bad—those who were born with the assigned female gender, menstruate.  This isn’t news.  This isn’t edgy.  We know you get periods because you’re a woman.  Clemmer has gone to great lengths to dig out a niche for herself to capitalize on.