Guest Post by Rod Bernsen who lives in Monument, CO and is a veteran and retired LAPD Sergeant.
The honor code at the United States U.S. Air Force Academy states: “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who do.” However, recently the Air Force Academy and Air Force leadership have carved out an exception to the honor code — False, woke political correctness is permitted.
In July, the Academy football coaches produced a three minute video that is posted on an Academy website featuring head football coach Troy Calhoun speaking about racism. In the video Calhoun and other coaches repeat the phase black lives matter seven times, they speak about “racism, Jim Crow laws and police brutality.” Some half truths, the rest outright lies.
Black Lives Matter is an avowed radical Marxist organization whose intent is to overthrow our democracy. BLM protesters, read rioters, are responsible for millions of dollars of damage this past summer; they blocked traffic chanting “death to the pigs,” and famously “pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.” As a retired Los Angeles Police sergeant: I am outraged and every American who cherishes this great country should be as well.
My next-door neighbor, USAF Lt. General Rod Bishop, retired, USAFA Class of 74, is leading an effort to get the offensive and false video removed from the Academy’s website, thereby removing the impression the Academy endorses Black Lives Matter.
Lt. General Bishop is joined in his efforts by other graduates of the Academy, all retired senior and general officers, and a number of deeply concerned citizens (including me). Dozens have called and hundreds of emails have been sent to the former and current superintendents and others in the Academy leadership. Their plea originally was — just take the video off the internet. To a man and woman, we condemn the evil of racism, something all of us have fought against in our daily lives.
BLM claims to advocate for African Americans, yet they have done nothing to stop the killing of African Americans from babies to the elderly in Chicago and other major cities. Any suggestion that the Black Lives Matter organization is endorsed by the USAFA is intolerable (“…nor tolerate those who do.”).
Our common sense objections fell on deaf ears at the Academy. Ultimately, a formal complaint written by a USAFA graduate and attorney was submitted to the U.S. Air Force Inspector General. The concerns were first reviewed by four former Air Force lawyers who all were in agreement — the BLM video violated Department of Defense regulations prohibiting political activity, “…even the appearance of…”
The USAF IG found no merit to the complaint and therefore the appearance of the USAFA endorsement of the radical and violent BLM remains available to all on a USAFA website; unbelievable.
Consider the very real danger to our republic — woke, politically correct lies are supported and even being taught at the USAFA.
This is not only a clear violation of the honor code, but can only lead to further divisiveness— something that can destroy “good order and discipline” in our United States Air Force.
Finally, you would think that those who teach leadership to our warriors would at the minimum lead by example and not surrender to cultural Marxism.