
VIDEO: Who Was Behind Insurrection At The US Capital?

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The Information Operation Corporate Media And its Dem/GOP Supporters Are Running Against The MAGA Movement

This is a video showing the disinformation and propaganda the Left is using to undermine the Trump movement after the planned-riot at the U.S. Capital on Jan 6 following a Trump rally. AntiFa impostors were used as agitators.

You can watch the entire video on Youtube below.

Or, you can watch on Rumble here.


“My name is Kathy…I own a small business. The demonstration was peaceful. There was undercover AntiFa at the Capital.”

A look at who was really behind the insurrection at the U.S. Capital on January 6th.

“Nobody stormed the Capital — they let everyone in. It was peaceful. We walked right up the stairs. They let everybody through.”

A look at who was really behind the insurrection at the U.S. Capital on January 6th.

“I saw a guy saying on a walkie talkie he had a team of 6 people ready to go. I thought he was ex-military. But after the rally I saw him on TV…he was AntiFa. There was AntiFa pounding on the window. Some Cuban girl was yelling AntiFa!”

A look at who was really behind the insurrection at the U.S. Capital on January 6th.

People yelling no AntiFa! Trump supporter preventing AntiFa from further damaging the Capital.

“I saw a guy with a gray jacket and a small hammer banging on the Capital window trying to break it. Three Capital police took him down. He was AntiFa!”

“America is under attack by the Deep State and by AntiFa pretending to be Trump supporters. We love the police!”

“There was a guy dressed up like a Trump supporter saying we need to shake this thing up to make these people look bad!”

“State vehicles escorted four busloads of AntiFa into the rally, sirens and all. The cops escorted AntiFa.”

“These were not our people,” said previously arrested AntiFa agitator John Sullivan. “It’s time for a revolution.”

“Where was the outrage and concern last year when our cities were burning?”