By Clash Daily:
THIS is what ‘Draining the Swamp’ looks like!
CBS News announced that Rex Tillerson, the new Secretary of State, fired most of the 7th floor policy makers who so famously called themselves the “shadow government”.
Policy will be controlled by the White House, not professional diplomats, CBS stated.
CBS bemoans the loss of the shadow government’s policy-making expertise.
In October of last year, a NY Post story reported that the coterie of State Department officials who called themselves the “shadow government” controlled the release of the Clinton emails. Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy even offered the FBI a quid pro quo for changing the classification of the Clinton emails.
Kennedy asked assistance in altering the email’s classification in exchange for a ‘quid pro quo,’ ” an FBI summary says. “In exchange for marking the email unclassified, State would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more agents in countries where they were presently forbidden.”
…Former Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell told the House Select Committee on Benghazi that Hillary Clinton confidants were part of an operation to “separate” damaging documents before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board investigating security lapses surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, Sharyl Attkisson reported.
The ‘unbiased’ people at CBS are not rejoicing that corruption is being rooted out and removed. They’re disappointed that dishonest Clinton flunkies are being ejected.
They’re ‘bemoaning’ the loss of the ‘shadow government’s policy-making expertise’.
You mean, the very expertise that flaunted Congressional oversight and slow-walked evidence harmful to Hillary in the investigation?
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