Dwayne Wade
NBA players Dwayne Wade, Carmelo Anthony, Lebron James, and Chris Paul took misguided virtue-signaling to new heights at the ESPN ESPY awards last July. On a night where athletes were being honored for their various performance related feats throughout the year, the four self-aggrandizing men fashioned themselves as civil rights icons fighting a fictional racist villain that does not exist. Here’s what Dwayne Wade had to say about the police in America today after clearly doing his homework to learn Black Lives Matter rhetoric:
“The racial profiling has to stop. The shoot-to-kill mentality has to stop. Not seeing the value of black and brown bodies has to stop. But also, the retaliation has to stop. The endless gun violence in places like Chicago, Dallas, not to mention Orlando, it has to stop. Enough. Enough is enough. Now, as athletes, it’s on us to challenge each other to do even more than we already do in our own communities. And the conversation, it cannot stop as our schedules get busy again. It won’t always be convenient. It won’t. It won’t always be comfortable, but it is necessary.”
It was subtle, but at least Wade had the sense to point out that nothing kills more black men than black men. Nonetheless, his Wade’s World Foundation, took in $452,320 in donations during all of 2014. Of that, only 112K was actually spent on charity. It appears that Wade isn’t being “challenged to do more in his community” and is instead putting his name behind a non-profit for his sister, Trigil Wade – who runs it — to make a living. How about you show charity isn’t convenient by ending the con-job against the people you take credit for helping, Mr. Wade?