
13 Athletes Who Have Used Their Celebrity Status to Attack Those Who Serve the Country

Chris Paul

Paul decided to Bring up Michael Brown, who viciously attacked a police officer and went for his gun.  He also decided to bring up Trayvon Martin who was killed by a Hispanic civilian he decided to attack.  These stories became massive anti-police stories because the media saw dollar signs and people like Wade stupid enough to buy in. It’s regretful that the Hollywood and Pro-Sports Elite fishbowl world only knows what they are told to know by outlets who profit in division.

Here’s what he had to say:

“We stand here tonight accepting our role in uniting communities, to be the change we need to see. We stand before you as fathers, sons, husbands, brothers, uncles and in my case, as an African-American man and the nephew of a police officer, who is one of the hundreds of thousands of great officers serving this country. But, Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Tamir Rice. Eric Garner. Laquan McDonald. Alton Sterling. Philando Castile. This is also our reality. Generations ago, legends like Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, John Carlos and Tommie Smith, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Jim Brown, Billie Jean King, Arthur Ashe and countless others, they set a model for what athletes should stand for. So we choose to follow in their footsteps.”

If I were Paul’s uncle, I’d tell him, “Leave me out of your social justice warrior crusade, son”.