Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is no fan of the president. In a sweeping interview, Rep. Pelosi lambasted President Trump but also noted that she’s not currently planning to …
March 12, 2019
Polling data has found that younger Americans, particularly Generation Z and millennials, are increasingly likely to support socialism and progressive policies such as free college tuition. While “socialism” has long …
Monday saw the Dems move in two ways that will increase their chances for success in 2020. If they continue on this road, and abandon their subtle Arthur Brown-like usual …
Many of us remember the scene in “Goodfellas” where Henry is reciting Paulie’s unbreakable rules of restaurant investment and cash flow. Well, President Trump just took the same tack with …
Impeachment Talks a Favorite, Useless Pastime of the Minority Party
by Morgan Deaneby Morgan DeaneThe Trump administration has continually been rocked by scandals. Most recently, a radical batch of newly-elected congressional members are pushing the charge for impeachment over things like obstruction of justice. …
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that while she doesn’t believe President Trump is fit for office, she’s also against any plans to impeach. Speaking to the Washington Post, Pelosi said, …
Trump’s Budget Would Build Border Wall, Expand Military, but Cut Anti-Poverty Programs
President Donald Trump is preparing to unveil his budget proposal. It would see the United States balance its budget within 15 years, assuming that economic growth remains consistently high, thus …