In an old Twilight Zone episode, I found a rather prophetic description of a man that so resembles the happenings of today that I thought it worthy of mentioning. Maybe …
Phil Swain
Phil Swain
Phil Swain is a current government employee. His background covers decades in law enforcement, military, and high-risk security contracting in multiple countries and regions of the world. He has an extensive writing background and has written for many international as well as domestic publications on a multitude of subjects. Currently he is working in the criminal justice court system and routinely spends his day in the courtroom
Over the last few years, our country has lost some of what always made America a special place. I can’t quite put my finger on exactly when, but it has …
The government administration is supposed to answer to the citizens of this once great nation. We trust our government to tell us the truth. We gauge our decision, and for …
History tends to repeat itself. This is something we have all heard for as long as I can remember. The second version of that statement is most likely more appropriate …
Be careful what you wish for. That is something the Democrats in Georgia are waking up to. The new wokeness of Major League Baseball’s decision to jump with both feet …
A few short years ago, the administration, one that had at least some of the same people in it, never grasped the seriousness of the radical Islamic threat known as …