By Alex Newman, The New American:
Amid growing outrage on both sides of the aisle surrounding the United Nations, legislation to get the U.S. government out of the UN and evict the scandal-plagued global body from the United States has been re-introduced in the new Congress. If approved, H.R.193, better known as the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act,” would end U.S. participation in and funding of the widely ridiculed “dictators club” while protecting American sovereignty under the Constitution. Support for the effort is spreading like wildfire.
As in past years, the measure to defend the rights and self-government of the American people from escalating UN attacks will undoubtedly face intense opposition from entrenched globalists and the “swamp” establishment. However, analysts and lawmakers believe the bill stands its best ever chance of becoming law this session — especially under the anti-globalist, anti-establishment Trump administration and a Congress that remains incensed at a recent anti-Israel UN Security Council resolution targeting Jews in East Jerusalem and other areas.
On the campaign trail, Trump, whose campaign was equated with ISIS by a top UN bureaucrat, lambasted the UN, saying it was “not a friend of freedom” or the United States. He also vowed to “cancel” key UN agreements in office, including the illegitimate “climate” regime concocted in Paris in 2015. “When do you see the United Nations solving problems? They don’t. They cause problems,” President-elect Trump declared following the controversial UN vote condemning Israeli settlements. “So, if it lives up to the potential, it’s a great thing, and if it doesn’t, it’s a waste of time and money.”
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